Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Headlines Instead of Sidelines

Headlines Instead of Sidelines

Recently I dreamed that I was relaying a story to someone, and as I spoke, the person was reporting what I said to the media outlets, except they enhanced many of the details, I thought in an attempt to get headlines and more attention for their ‘news’. (I literally ‘saw’ the dramatic captions being scripted by a hand). I felt frustrated at the seeming sensationalism of my 'facts'.
At first I took this dream as a caution to monitor my tongue carefully--to watch what I say—as well as better discern my audience. To develop more awareness of the power of my words, as well as the potential of being used or misrepresented—intentionally or not--by someone else.
It seemed to be a negative dream. 
But I got to thinking how God sometimes works things out by taking our insignificant ‘details’ and adding his divine spark to what we do or say, in order to make our life messages more effective, more powerful, more far-reaching. The goal is to draw people closer to him. 
I pray and ask God to use me however he chooses, and then I get frustrated--because I feel USED! 
Rather than operating out of suspicion or fear, I need to make sure I welcome Spirit's favor, highlighting, and editing, so that I project from a faith that my words and life can make a difference. 
With more ‘publicity’ comes more scrutiny. And that usually means more critics. And further character-shaping. Hence, the continued need to choose words and attitudes more carefully.  It is a constant growth process.
May we daily choose to speak and interact in our world with deliberate, utmost integrity, out of the hope that what flows out of us can make the Headlines instead of the Sidelines

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

My English major buddies or left-brained friends will probably enjoy what I’m about to say. The rest of you might read with perplexity, wondering, ‘What is the big deal?”  The subject: Spelling and Proofreading!  I can hear some of you groan already. 
Many years ago, I worked my way through college editing and proofreading…for English professors. I was trained to spot and correct grammatical errors with the fluent red ink pen, much to students’ dismay.  Hence, my friends would never let me read anything they wrote…for fear I would find a mistake and call forth the Spelling Nazis. 
Over the years I have mostly learned to silence my criticism and take it all in stride, because let’s face it—there are a lot of poor spellers out there, and it does little good to complain!  I confess, though, that I am a closet punctuation perfectionist. 
Even with the famous computer spell check, I’ve noticed that the ones who don’t spell well, don’t care and therefore, they refuse to use this fabulous tool.
We can get piqued by errors, or sometimes use them for entertainment, as long as our reputation isn’t being tarnished by association. We must have grace for our linguistically-lacking loafers. 
But, I do save some of the ‘gems’ and pull them out once in a while for a good laugh. 
I still remember with amazement the college freshman whose major semester paper was supposed to be about Don Quixote.  Obviously this person never even cracked the book, because her whole paper centered in on someone named ‘Donkey Hotee’. 
Today I received an email from someone who asked for support because they are going through a ‘lot of testing and trails.’  I’m praying for their journey!
An email writer recently lamented the years in her life eaten away by ‘locus’.  Ouch!  Could she be more ‘specific’? 
Then, there is my good friend who loves me but isn’t sure about the validity of the whole dream interpretation thing that I love and do full time.  She meant well, I think.  She sent out a mass email to friends, telling them that “Merry does Dream Interruption” for anyone who might be interested. 
I’ve only had a few takers.
What about you?  What are some of the funniest spelling bloopers you’ve experienced? 
Or, are you one of THOSE people who doesn’t use spell check and are a source of frowns, raised eyebrows, or . . . snuffled snickers and sarcastic blogs? 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

Get Your Dreams Interrupted

My English major buddies or left-brained friends will probably enjoy what I’m about to say. The rest of you might read with perplexity, wondering, ‘What is the big deal?”  The subject: Spelling and Proofreading!  I can hear some of you groan already. 
Many years ago, I worked my way through college editing and proofreading…for English professors. I was trained to spot and correct grammatical errors with the fluent red ink pen, much to students’ dismay.  Hence, my friends would never let me read anything they wrote…for fear I would find a mistake and call forth the Spelling Nazis. 
Over the years I have mostly learned to silence my criticism and take it all in stride, because let’s face it—there are a lot of poor spellers out there, and it does little good to complain!  I confess, though, that I am a closet punctuation perfectionist. 
Even with the famous computer spell check, I’ve noticed that the ones who don’t spell well, don’t care and therefore, they are not the ones who bother to use this fabulous tool.
We can get piqued by errors, or sometimes use them for entertainment, as long as our reputation isn’t being tarnished by association. We must have grace for our linguistically-lacking loafers. 
But, I do save some of the ‘gems’ and pull them out once in a while for a good laugh. 
I still remember with amazement the college freshman whose major semester paper was supposed to be about Don Quixote.  Obviously this person never even cracked the book, because her whole paper centered in on someone named ‘Donkey Hotee’. 
Today I received an email from someone who asked for support because they are going through a ‘lot of testing and trails.’  I’m praying for their journey!
An email writer recently lamented the years in her life eaten away by ‘locus’.  Ouch!  Could she be more ‘specific’? 
Then, there is my good friend who loves me but isn’t sure about the validity of the whole dream interpretation thing that I love and do full time.  She meant well, I think.  She sent out a mass email to friends, telling them that “Merry does Dream Interruption” for anyone who might be interested. 
I’ve only had a few takers.
What about you?  What are some of the funniest spelling bloopers you’ve experienced? 
Or, are you one of THOSE people who doesn’t use spell check and are a source of frowns, raised eyebrows, or . . . snuffled snickers and sarcastic blogs? 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weight Loss! Lose up to 2,000 Pounds (about a Ton) In 21 Days or Less--And Keep It OFF

Weight Loss! Lose up to 2,000 Pounds (about a Ton) In 21 Days or Less--And Keep It OFF

We’ve all experienced it.  Your diet plan has been going great.  You’ve worked hard to maintain healthy weight and yet you’ve hit a slump where you are experiencing a heaviness and sluggishness in your life.  The masses of pressures are proving difficult to shift--spiritually speaking. 
How do we reduce the load and get ourselves streamlined and functioning with better balance? 
Spiritual Weight Loss Tips: 
1.    Assess your health and weight situation.  Ask yourself how much unnecessary load you currently bearing.  Are you carrying too much of the weight of the world on your shoulders?  In what areas are you healthy?  Where do you need to make some changes? 
Make the commitment to do what is necessary.  Whet your appetite for victory!
2.    Find the right diet plan.  Choose what is healthy and feed your mind and spirit on what builds you up and cleanses you.  Cut out the spiritual junk food that saps energy and time, the stuff that drags you down.  Things like over-busyness, spending too much money, negative people, obsessive worrying.
Listen to your dreams.  Point your inner compass toward long-term preparation, exercising strengths, and reaching your life-goals.  Know ‘where’ you will BE when you get where you are going. 
3.    Start!  No procrastination, no excuses.  Getting started is the most difficult part. 
Expect some withdrawal toxicity—you may experience some doubts, cravings, fleshly turmoil that threatens to derail your progress.  You can conquer!  Just press through.
4.    Use hunger to your advantage.  When you are craving MORE, weigh your options wisely.  Satisfy your longings with meaty, substantial sustenance for your spirit, things that will make you thrive.  Stay away from dead, empty, quick fixes. 
5.    Exercise with a friend. Go to higher levels of expectancy and success by getting your friends to join you.  This provides an atmosphere of support and accountability. It also helps you avoid self-analysis paralysis. We sharpen each other as we work together and encourage each others’ growth. 
6.    Lift weights. Give up your ‘hefty’ concerns.  Release your burdens, guilts, expectations, and worries to the Higher Power—the One who knows you and loves you.  The One who sees what you are carrying and wants to support you.   
7.    Stick with it.  Experts say that doing something twenty-one days in a row creates a habit. Create the habit of letting go of the stuff that weighs you down.  Embrace the joy that comes with being ‘lightened’. If you get stuck, be grateful for progress, and start again.
Imagine living life as the new, slimmer YOU—a lean machine able to fight any battle in life because you are fit and confident in spirit, not hindered in any way.  You are even stronger because of the TONS that you have faced--and overcome.