Monday, June 27, 2011

Lessons from the Desert

Lessons From the Desert

My husband and I were 'planted' in Abilene, Texas--for the second time--seventeen years ago. Just out of college, we escaped this fine little West Texas city the first time to move to Denver, where we fully fell in love with mountains and cool weather for ten glorious years.  Following a dream, we then sold everything we owned in hopes of moving to a foreign mission field--with a planned year-long stop backin Abilene for training and fundraising.
But we never made it to our desired destination, getting 'stuck' in Abilene--sigh--again. The people are wonderful here, but scenery is sadly lacking, especially if one has been spoiled by living in pretty places. Believing that we were supposed to 'bloom where we are planted', we put down roots, raised our children, and have ever been trusting that we have a mission to accomplish here, and that in God's timing, we might get to relocate to a more pleasant place of paradise.
We have learned to be content in the waiting for change, but not without some groaning. Our spirits sometimes sag with the  summer heat (yesterday it was 107.6 degrees in the shade), high electric bills, hot winds, fried, brown lawns, and dust storms that leave your teeth gritty if you dare try to smile outside. And smile big, we try--it makes life more enjoyable.
Just a few lessons learned from Desert Time (think metaphorically):
* Desert seasons produce hardy people. We have no mountains to escape to or to 'wander around'. Landscape seems flat and boring. We see the wide horizon, but any change ahead seems, oh, so far off. Strong character is produced as we practice taking scorching 'heat' with gracious patience, living life faithfully, making a difference around us, one day at a time--while keeping our eyes focused on dreams ahead.
* Help the weaker ones. Spiritually speaking, we must put others' needs first. To share with those who are struggling, help them keep protected along their journey. We do this out of our own strengths and victories.
* It's easy to get dehydrated, so drink a lot. Water, yes. Fine wine occasionally, yes. Spirit, most definitely yes! Drink deep, drink long, drink until we are full, every day. Because we humans leak and need a constant refilling and refueling in order to survive. We may look parched or weather-worn on the outside, but inwardly, we are being renewed day by day by the One who made us.
* It only takes a careless spark to start a wildfire. "By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell." (James 3:6) It is easier to prevent a fiery disaster than to control it once it has begun. Note to self: Quit complaining!
* Sometimes relief comes in the form of a storm. We pray consistently for welcome 'rain' and the answers often appear in the form of pounding hail, tornados, water torrents, or high winds--that force violent cleansing within our lives. Allowing our roots to go deep during difficult times keeps our foundation firm when we are shaken to the core.  
* We all need to take a break once in a while. Get out of dodge, take a vacation, refresh in a different locale. See another part of the world--we return 'home' with a renewed perspective that will sustain us until seasons change.
Just call me 'Desert Rose'--because I am hoping and learning to thrive by blooming and producing divine fragrance in all sorts of dry places.

Question: What kinds of adversity are you learning to persist through? What's your strategy? What are some of the lessons you have learned in the process?
Merry Bruton's blog  Dream Interpretation

Friday, June 10, 2011

Is My Dream Literal or Symbolic?

Is My Dream Literal or Symbolic?

In dream interpretation training, a major concept emphasized repeatedly is that dreams are symbolic. Too often we miss the meaning of a dream because we interpret it--or specific symbols in a dream--too literally. We may think our boss in our dream really represents our boss, rather than someone in authority over us that is 'bossing' us around. A good interpreter will ALWAYS first consider the symbolic possibilities of a dream.
However, that doesn't mean that dreams are never literal. Some of our 'dreams' are actually 'visions' of the night (a little different from a dream), and visions tend to communicate more literally. Some of our dreams are just plain, straightforward revelation about a crucial situation that needs unlocking.
How do we know whether we should interpret a dream symbolically or literally? Rule of thumb is to interpret symbolically first. This interpretation will even apply if the dream is more direct. We interpret, then apply the interpretation. Often the application is literal. Or literally symbolic.
Like the time I dreamed I had rats feeding in my basement. It was upsetting and I knew that I needed to look into my life to see what 'garbage' was hidden that was empowering a feeling of being 'eaten' up and defiled. I found some some attitudes and behaviors that needed to be cleaned up. But in the process, we realized we really did INDEED have rats living in our basement. They were coming in through the doggie door! There was an 'open entry point' that needed to be tended to. And rat eradication wasn't as easy or as quick as we hoped. It was a slow, steady process that required patience and tenacity. Double dream meaning!
Don't dismiss possible literal applications for dreams. For example:
* If you dream that you get a job promotion and will make a difficult but rewarding move to Philadelphia, you can keep your ears open for such a possibility at your job, but also keep in mind that your heart may need a 'shift' toward greater 'brotherly love' that will challenge you but increase your happiness.
* If you dream that your friend Alison drowns, your dream may be telling you that she is feeling overwhelmed in life and needs some help. But you might also pray for her physical safety. Or even call her and ask her to be extra careful at the lake house this weekend.
* If you dream your front rear tire is low on air, you might acknowledge that your spirit needs a 'refilling'. But also, check that tire before you leave for work.
* During a sad time in our family, I dreamed we all rolled around in the floor playing with a little black and white puppy, laughing through waves and waves of deep belly heaves. I awoke with tears of healing from the laughter. A heavy weight lifted. The next day, we found out that our father-in-law had just spontaneously bought us a little Boston terrier puppy....a happy harbinger of joy sent into our lives after a season of grief.
It never hurts to cover all the bases that you can in applying a dream interpretation. Dreams are subjective, sometimes very clear, very often confusing. Amazingly often, if we are paying attention, we notice a correlation between internals and externals--what a dream says about what is happening within us isconfirmed by natural events or conditions. We can always ask for further Divine information.
An amazing treasure about dreams is how they can speak to us on many different levels. Literal. Symbolic. Hidden. Somewhere in between. And all of the above. Dream interpretation does not fit in any kind of box. What a great gift we receive from the Dream Giver, who employs all sorts of creative ways to speak guidance into our lives.

Share:  What dreams have you experienced that seemed to speak more literally to you?  Or had several layers of meaning--symbolic as well as 'real life' stuff?

Reboot Thyself

Reboot Thyself

Humans naturally gravitate toward ruts--boring routines or habits that rule. Our repetitive actions can be positive or negative, productive, lazy, damaging, internal or external.
I believe our externals reflect what is happening internally. If we are thinking imaginatively or creatively, we radiate with renewed energy. If we focus on what isn't working well in our life, our lack of victory or gratitude can sour the atmosphere around us--and folks notice it.
Which areas are you most prone to succumb to a default mode? Mental, physical, or emotional? Foods and exercise? Work? Relational? Spiritual? Thinking patterns?
Dream interpreters can get stuck in humdrum habits all too easily, mostly if we aren't tending to our spiritual life. But to strengthen our dream interpretation abilities, it especially helps to flush out any filters that may have gotten clogged from too much linear or literal thinking. We must experience free back-and-forth flow of right-brain and left-brain processing, balanced by quiet peace--in a noisy world--so that we can Dream Big and connect with the Releaser of Dreams.
Our biggest hurdle, of course, is to recognize our ruts. Then it is a matter of discipline to reverse and revoke them. Try keeping your brain stirred up. Renew vigor by varying as many of your routines as possible. Here are just a few suggestions:
* Set your alarm clock to a new station or sound. Processing unfamiliar sounds wakes up your brain a different way.
* Journal your dreams in a different way to remember them. Draw a picture or a map of the action instead of using words.
* Get dressed with your eyes closed. Pick out your outfit the night before and then blindly rely on your other senses to get yourself ready.
* Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand, challenging different nerve cells in your brain.
* Swap lunches with your co-workers or friends. Or try a different restaurant and a new type of food that you've never tasted before. Lay off foods you are addicted to for a season.
* Have a silent family dinner. No talking while eating. Figure out how to communicate your day or your requests without words, in a visual way, which will spark creativity.
* Spend a day 'unplugged'--set the computer, TV, and phone aside--spend time outdoors, doing something you don't normally do.
Reboot thyself. Reset, clear the cache, delete any necessary 'cookies' (or unwanted, extra 'junk files' in your memory), download and install new mental and spiritual updates. Reconnect to your Power Source. Then you are ready to fire up again with more power and clarity.