Thursday, August 2, 2012

Which Way is the RIGHT Way? (Pondering life in a gym)

Which Way is the RIGHT Way?

I went to do my daily power walk in a gym yesterday, thus avoiding 107 degree temps outside. Since I was new to the gym, I found my way to the track and carefully read the sign that said, "Walk to the right on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Walk to the left on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday."
No one else was there when I started walking to the right, clockwise. But others shortly arrived and began walking and running--in the OTHER direction. I stayed to the inside, where the 'slower' walkers were supposed to hike, and I had to half-jog to dodge around people heading toward me. And they were all giving me dirty looks and refusing to budge to let me go by. Round after round.  
I got confused. I went back to the sign to see if I mis-read the instructions. I looked at my watch to make sure it was indeed Wednesday. I double-checked my brain to see if 'right' meant clockwise.
I felt stupid. I knew I was 'right'. But what to do? I thought of several options:
  • Turn around and go with the flow
  • Keep going and hope they think and get the message
  • Stand by the sign and point to it as everyone walked by
  • Ask someone for help or explanation
  • Stop everyone and tell them they are going the wrong way
  • Give up and go home
I should note that this kind of situation is not a big deal for me--which way to walk around a track. I hope I am way more flexible than getting bent out of shape about such a tiny issue. I found myself giggling as I thought about this weird situation, and how it pictured dilemmas we face in life.
I ask myself, "If this were a dream, what would it mean?" It mirrored how I often feel when I follow what I feel I am called to do in life....perhaps you do as well...
  • "I feel like a fish swimming upstream."
  • "I have the right direction for my life. Why does there seem to be so much opposition? Why do things have to be so HARD?"
  • "I'm trying to follow the 'rules', but doing so is not WORKING. Others didn't read the same rule book of life."
I finished up my workout, (going in my original direction and smiling in response to every disparaging eye roll) and went to the front desk and asked what the protocol should be in this situation.
Her response: "Everyone doesn't follow the guidelines. But if you don't want to get jostled or sneered at, reverse your direction and just go with the crowd."
I can do that on an exercise track. I could choose to get angry, drop hints, point out others' wrong choices, or boycott the gym.  
But in certain things I know I am called to, character and destiny-wise, let's face it: I will have to go against 'normal' and have to deal with opposition along the way.
But may I not be the one blocking others or judging them as they take a different direction.