Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quiet Moment Revelation

Quiet Moment Revelation

We live in a busy world.  Endless necessities compete for our time—work, school, family, friends, guests, mealtime, housework, meetings, phone, bills to pay.  We find it difficult to keep up with it all, much less to fight against the distractions that whittle away at our focus ability.  Constant TV, computer chatter, mail/email onslaught suck energy and time. We often go to bed exhausted but sleep restlessly because our brains continually exist in overload mode.
As the pressures increase, it becomes critical for us to make wise choices regarding which things to say, “yes” to, and which ones to deny, from long-term decisions, like which career to choose—to snap decisions like “do I watch a movie, or work on my assignment that is due tomorrow?”
How often, during times of chaos and storms in our lives, do we inwardly cry out, “Help, I need direction!”?  But we find it difficult or impossible to turn off the noisy turmoil, be still for a period of time, and release the tension and agendas of the day to seek deeper revelation for the big picture of life.
It is in the still, quiet moments of reflection where we receive a deep, centering peace.  The saying goes, “Peace is the potting soil of revelation.” When we slow down our thoughts, Spirit can alight, plant seeds in our minds and hearts, nurture them, and then activate BLOOM. 
As we still ourselves and silence the pressures of the world, we discover WHO we are, WHAT we should do, HOW to respond, WHERE to put our time and energies, WHEN to make a move or speak up about something, and WHY we are here.  We discover our purpose in life—for the moment, the day, the decade. 
It all becomes more clear.  We let go of the ‘trivials’ and re-commit to the ‘most importants’.  Who doesn’t want that? 
A competition exists for our attention—we must deliberately choose peace, or chaos will win by default.  As we choose to welcome Spirit’s wisdom, we can embrace a better quality of life and long-term joy amongst the hustle.  So, go ahead and plan that lunch-time walk or schedule an electronic-less evening for a change. The more often we seek that place of tranquility, the easier it becomes to return to it.  
We might even discover that Spirit’s calming presence is way more addictive and soul-satisfying than the TV or computer.  It’s even commercial-free. 

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