Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural and Spiritual Revelation Matters

Natural and Spiritual Revelation Matters

I wonder how prevalent insomnia is? Most people I know experience a sleepless night here or there, but for some, it is a chronic distressing dilemma. Sometimes I think our sleeplessness may stem from our need for help and God may have a solution.  Nighttime stillness may serve as an invitation to focus and listen, since we often don't pay enough attention during the day.   
Earlier this summer I couldn’t sleep around 3 AM, so I got out of bed and let the dogs out into the backyard. Everything was extremely quiet except for a faint humming sound. I glanced up into the doorway between the inside and outside doors, and there was a massive wasp nest, covered with buzzing critters, just inches from my face!
I quickly shut the door so they couldn’t fly into the house, and I felt amazed to realize that they had been building for weeks in a high-traffic area, and how in the world had we not noticed their busy construction site? 
And, I'm thinking, as usual, 'If this were a dream, what would it mean?"  
I eventually went back to sleep and dreamed I discovered the wasp nest and told my husband, and that while we agreed about the degree of danger, we differed on the best way to remove it.  While we fussed with each other, the nest continued to grow very fast.  My pounding heart woke me up. 
Sigh….I got up again to pray about my dream and realized there was an area in our marriage that we had just been discussing--a pesky little issue—that we had semi-addressed but didn't agree on the approach of actually dealing with it.
Most problems in relationships occur when someone is ‘bugged’, matters are not confronted, and unhealthy patterns accumulate until someone gets stung and there is real pain.
I realized with a little shock that I needed to be more alert and vigilant in my ‘house-cleaning’ in all areas of life, to not allow anything negative to take the opportunity to roost or take root.
So, that day, my husband and I joined forces with a renewed vigor to eradicate all potential stingers, ticks, weevils, worms, borers, maggots, moths--anything bent toward destruction of health and peace.
And then, grateful for adventures and revelation during the night, I took a nap and slept bug-free.

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