Sunday, October 31, 2010

"This Is Your Stuff"

“This Is Your Stuff”

We get wrapped up in our own little world much of the time, concentrating on essential daily details like work, emails, paying bills, posting on Facebook, trying to cover all the bases of our responsibilities. 
Or, what we THINK are our responsibilities. 
My ever-growing personal ‘to do’ list usually seems impossibly long—I categorize my tasks into areas such as work, home, errands, later, or NOW. I think that if I write my jobs down, then I can clear my mind and focus better.  Sometimes that works. Other times, I get stuck in my never-ending List and have difficulty getting free. I can easily work myself into Organization Paralyzation. 
But all too often, I think we forget to lift our eyes up a little higher than our home plate to visualize the bigger picture of life—and how we fit in—our Destiny Direction. Can we get so bogged down in the details that we forget to recalibrate or realign every now and then, to make sure we are heading in the right direction? 
Several weeks ago upon returning from our annual Burning Man ministry trip, I spent the first day home unpacking and doing laundry—dealing with the overwhelming ‘dig out’ we all experience after long, hard trips. 
The next day I planned to accomplish a bunch of stacked-up errands. First place I stopped, I looked the gal at the counter in the eye and asked her, “How’s your day going?”  She broke down and told me, “I’m having terrible nightmares that frighten me and I haven’t been sleeping, and there is no one to help me understand what is happening.” 
Imagine that! Since I’m a dream interpreter who helps people deal with this subject all the time, I offered to listen and help. It amazes me that strangers will open up and confide in me like they do, especially regarding their dreams. An hour later, we have addressed some of her fears, and I’m on my way to my next errand.
Next place I go, I meet eyes with a friend in her shop and ask how she is doing--something similar happens. More dreams to walk through regarding difficulties in her workplace. Lots of listening, wiping tears, encouragement, and hugs. 
I stop in to get my hair cut, and my hairdresser is sad and upset, feeling the weight and pain of her unemployed son who has a new baby and a mortgage. More listening and attempts to affirm--and my hair looks terrific. 
Five hours since I left home, with quite a few stops to make, I’m beginning to mutter to myself about my long list of things yet to accomplish. 
I stop in to get my car washed.  The 67-year-old cashier lady looks at me and says, “Your hair is just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”  I thank her, peer into her sweet face, and ask her how she’s doing, and she bursts into tears. She says, “I just got my hair back from chemo, and I feel so un-pretty.”  I listen to her cancer story, her anxieties, take her hands and offer to pray for her.  She is very grateful and I feel humbled and honored.
As I’m driving home, feeling a little weary from these encounters, I spoke to Spirit, “I had so many interruptions today and needed to get my stuff done. What’s up?”  
Spirit’s immediate answer:  “This is your stuff.” 
Oh yeah . . .
We each possess far more potential than we realize—may we watch diligently with a willingness to step into higher opportunities to touch and change the world—one ‘errand’ at a time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Words—Are They Harming or Healing?

Our Words—Are They Harming or Healing?

I’ve been disconcerted this week at how quickly and easily folks seem to judge and criticize other people, then publicize their toxic views in any number of ways—through the news, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, social grapevines, and outright bullying. Or even just in traffic!
Perhaps in a world of instant technology, folks have forgotten about thinking the best of people and processing their reactions before status posting, firing off rash emails, or maligning someone’s character through damaging gossip. 
Our words carry power.  We can use them to bless or to curse.  When we denounce someone, we drag people down with us into our negative spiral.  Folks can feel our disparagement even by what we mutter behind their backs. In the last few days, I’ve wiped the tears of several friends who have experienced harsh criticism, and I have also been stung by people’s unkind words. 
I know I am not perfect, and I also know most of the verbal attacks are not about me—or you--but rather an indication of folks who are at their tipping point themselves and need to lash out. Most people do it without thinking. 
But, we need to think before we speak!
Some people are not ‘happy’ unless they are miserable.  Spewing their ills only serves to spread their bitterness.  Mouths speak from the overflow of what is in the heart.
With the difficulties in our world today, why would we think it is ok to censure anyone? Why not stop before we say something that hurts and check the negative words at the door and find something positive to say instead?  Seems all of humanity needs extra grace, kindness, and blessing about now.  
Life is hard for a lot of folks. You never know who is going through WHAT—we can’t assume. Finances are tight or exhausted.  People’s precious businesses are going under. Loved ones are hurting. Stress affects us all, and sometimes health issues arise, which costs more concern and money. Many of my deeply spiritual friends who are normally peace-seekers are experiencing overwhelming anxiety.  Let's help lighten each others' burdens.
An encouraging word goes a long way toward helping a person get through a difficult day.  It is never wrong to speak to each other with honor and respect. We get double blessed when we search to find a gem within someone and praise it.
“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” –Proverbs 12:18

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Choose Your Battles

Choose Your Battles

I’ve been intrigued by the story in the news headlines about Ariana Iacono, the 14-year-old student in North Carolina, who is battling her school officials (now with the aid of the ACLU) over her nose stud.  Wearing the stud defies school dress codes, yet she claims that removing it violates her religion, the Church of Body Modification.  She has been suspended most of this school year because of her refusal to remove the nose stud—and a court battle ensues. 
Her mother, also a member of the C of BM, claims “The school has wrongfully forced her (Ariana) to choose between her education and our family's religion."  Her lawyer says, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste. They were wasting (Ariana’s), one day, three days, five days at a time."
I went to the website for the Church of Body Modification to see if it is the real deal.  Apparently so--the poor girl is trapped between school codes and religious dictates. 
I’m not against body modification.  Nor am I trying to judge Ariana and her family.  But I squirm at the international attention they are garnering and pray that they are sure they know what they are doing. 
I understand the indignant feelings that can come when someone lays down rules that we don’t agree with. 
I know that rulemakers sometimes don’t take everything into consideration when they formulate the plan.  Rules can seem unfair. I never want to see anyone harshly oppressed.  
Our culture is ever changing, and often standards can seem to become obsolete.  (When I was in college, girls were not allowed to wear shorts anywhere on our campus.  Not even to run outside in 100 degree Texas heat--that felt oppressive!)
Change often happens whenever someone is brave or passionate enough to challenge the powers that be.  A momentum builds because someone feels squashed by the rules and either requests for or tries to force amendment. 
But I think we also have to ask ourselves before we put our foot down, ‘At what cost?” 
We learn in life—especially in parenting--that often, we have to let some issues slide—to carefully pick the battles--so that we can be free and clear to address the critical BIG stuff. Discerning this can be tricky.  Feelings can get in the way. We’ve got to ask ourselves what is the long-term strategy here?  And, are we possibly setting a dangerous pattern for the course of our lives?  
Wisdom says to also consider long-term repercussions—possibly developing a reputation seen by future teachers or employers as someone who is rebellious against authority, threatens a ‘sue them’ attitude, causes distracting drama scenes, or blames others, refusing to take responsibility for our own actions.
The question I ultimately ask myself is, “Is this particular fray the right one for me to engage?” 
I want to look back with pride for standing my ground and giving my best—whether I actually won or lost--to know I did the RIGHT thing.  May we each become 'famous' not for winning every skirmish, but for prevailing faithfully in good character, integrity, wisdom, and respecting folks around us.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who's Got Your Back? Freedom Lounge Team at Burning Man

Who’s Got Your Back? Freedom Lounge Team at Burning Man

How often do you get to work with folks that you know you instantly ‘belong’ with—a group that is so strikingly ‘comfortable’ you feel you can call them ‘family’?
Our Freedom Lounge team atthis year’s Burning Man was just such a group of people for me. We spent over a week together, rubbing elbows in close quarters, sleeping in tents, cooking, eating, and serving together in a ‘testy’ environment of dust, heat, 24/7 blaring music.  
We are from all over the USA—California, Utah, Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Most of us didn’t know each other as we planned throughout the year. 
With a team of ‘strangers’ coming together, you organize, communicate, pray, and trust for the best for that week of close togetherness. I mean, how many people want to schedule a trip with people you don’t even know? 
Our team was divinely orchestrated. From the very beginning of everyone’s arrival for the week, everyone delightedly and quickly gelled, getting to know each other, each finding their own niche as a team player bringing together individual ‘specialties’:
--A couple of folks brought their RV’s and opened their doors, fully sharing with everyone else despite the dirt factor. They treated each other with warm shampoos (an absolute luxury in a place with no running water), a nice spot to sit out of the rain, hot tea and coffee in the morning for everyone. My husband and I were tent sleepers, and one gal actually took a thick mattress from her RV and slipped it under my sleeping bag, then ‘made my bed’ for me so I could sleep like a princess. One gal handpicked huckleberries, made a cobbler, and brought it to share with everyone. Another friend quietly paid for everyone’s meals before and after Burning Man.
--Everyone pitched in. No one had to say, “Come help.” Camp set up and tear down, meal preparation and cleanup, and everything in between—demonstrated everyone’s willing cooperation.
--Everyone’s unique abilities quickly fired up. One guy is a magician and has the gift of drawing a crowd…and then bringing folks into our circle. Several teammates give healing momma or daddy hugs that bring tears. Others have the ability to see into hearts, to speak truth to what hurts.  One gal even sings that truth—in perfect pitch—and her songs even rhyme! Creativity, seer gifts, dance, song, art, music, and spiritual depth to boot. 
We laughed a lot. A sense of humor makes everything go smoother. Some people really have the knack to help others lighten up. And sometimes things get so tense where a good belly laugh is the instant remedy.  
A mature team that covers each other with honor and a watchfulness and an anticipation of each others’ needs--is a priceless, rare treat these days. 
Also, folks back home paved the way by continually supporting us with their sacrificial offering of funds, time, and many, many prayers. They were there, too, with us on the playa. 
A young man said 'he was pulled' into our camp early on in the week and he kept coming back to hang out and eat with us. We asked him later what he thought of our group. He said he ‘liked our energy', and that that we were a bunch of unselfish people. He had noticed our love for each other and the way we pulled together as a team, in order to make a difference, unlike many of the other camps out there. He felt safe and accepted in our midst. 
I returned home from our team experience at Burning Man feeling stretched and sharpened in my own abilities, lovingly in awe of the special folks I got to serve with, and so very grateful for the common bond of Spirit we share that brings peace and unity in such a tangible way. 

Read more about what we do at Burning Man...

Dream Interpretation ABC's

Dream Interpretation ABC’s

How to develop your ability to interpret your dreams . . . in alphabetical random order:
Always pray. Every dream offers opportunity to dialogue with Creator. Ask for more dreams and for their interpretations.
Be open to the possibilities of receiving world-changing insight in your dream life.
Choose peace. When we shut the chaos of the world out, we are more apt to gain spiritual understanding.
Discern the purpose for every dream. Listen to Spirit for why the dream is given, in order to more fully understand your dream messages.
Expect supernatural revelation to light up your life as you learn to interpret your dreams. Trust that God wants to speak . . . to you!
Find as many dream interpreter friends as possible so that you can help each other. Preferably some with experience, maturity and training 
Gather vital tools and resources to learn about dreams and symbols--dictionaries, reliable internet dream websites, books, classes to enroll in, mentoring opportunities.
Hone your skills by practicing metaphoric thinking as much as possible. Constantly ask yourself, “If this were a dream, what would it mean?”
Interpret first. THEN try to apply the dream to your life--after you have interpreted it.
Journal your dreams (write dates and titles) so that you remember them. Otherwise, they may vanish like a fog before you discover their meaning.
Keep the process simple. Most people try to make their dreams too complicated. Identify the 5-7 most important symbols to find the main gist of your dreams.
Learn the basics of dream interpretation. Take a class, read a book, practice on your own dreams. Get help when you need clarity.
Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted.
Never give up! Dream interpretation stretches your brain—it is a growth process. It is not about getting answers as much as it is about developing relationship with the Dream-Giver.
Offer your dream time for God's purposes.
Practice using both sides of your brain—analytic and organizational as well as creative and intuitive. It makes dream interpretation easier. Balanced, whole brain use is optimal.
Quiet your bedtime routine. Shut out as much noise and clutter as possible as you end your day. Pay attention as you drift off to sleep and wake up…those ‘twilight’ times are important portals of revelation time.
Respond quickly to your dreams when it is clear that you need to take action.
Study! Do your research of symbols, scriptures, basic dream interpretation principles, common dream themes.
Think outside the box…Spirit speaks to each person uniquely, artfully, and personally.
Use your imagination…to ‘walk’ through the dream, ‘seeing’ what is there, listening for interpretation. God gave you that imagination…you are supposed to utilize it.
Value your dream messages. The more you desire to understand your dreams, the more you will gain wisdom for your life.
Wait patiently. Dream meanings often come clear as we search, meditate, and marinate in Spirit’s presence. Often the answer comes when we least expect it.
X out unnecessary noise, activity, or distractions from your life that distort or disturb your rest or your spirit.
Yield to spiritual discernment. Test what you hear or sense in your dream time or when listening to friends. Make wise belief choices.
ZZZzzzz your way into new levels of spiritual joy and power as you rest best, sleep deep, esteem dreams, invite insight, accrue anew, scope hope, fly high, position mission, and Divine align.