Thursday, December 16, 2010

Confronting Suicidal Harassment

Confronting Suicidal Harassment

The Holiday season typically lights up the world with pretty colors, decorations, stories and songs, coaxing everyone to jingle their happy way through giving gifts, parties, and "Ho-ho-ho's".  Most folks eagerly anticipate Christmastime as an extended season of celebration and memory-making with family and friends.  
But what if you are dealing with loss of relationship, painful memories, financial disaster, extreme grief, sadness, or loneliness?    The pervasive atmosphere of 'cheer' can make that hole in the heart seem even deeper, darker, and emptier.  
In recent days, several of my friends have been brutally honest with me regarding suicidal thoughts they are entertaining or even dreaming about on a daily basis. Life is hard, old memories haunt, loss is great, pain overwhelms, and they feel powerless to fight the rising tide of hopelessness.  
I have been there in years past--dreading the holidays, surviving each day on edge, feeling overwhelming discouragement, longing to wake up on January 2, to find the holiday stuff all over and done with, but thankfully, I have pressed through to experience a more joyful outlook. 
Survival tips abound, through counseling, talking with a friend (hopefully one that is in a positive place), or via books or articles on the web.  This isn't your typical psychological self-help blog, though those are helpful. Here are a few additional, less-commonly-voiced spiritual insights regarding the suicidal thoughts that so many people often experience:
  • Warfare: We are at odds with a very real enemy, one who desires to cut our destiny short. The aim of his 'ministry' is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He can plant destructive thoughts. If we can discern how we are in the middle of a battle for our identity and worth, we can choose to align ourselves with a strong team and a Father that loves us and can help us fight. Unawareness of evil spiritual attacks leaves us vulnerable.  
  • Destiny: If we are under attack, perhaps that means we are making a difference and we have a purpose and meaningful assignments to accomplish--and we are a threat to the enemy of our souls. Otherwise, why would he want to take us out?  
  • Grief:  Everyone experiences difficulties, tragedies, sickness, pain, death of loved ones. No one is exempt. Know the stages of grief and realize that if you've experienced any kind loss this year, you may be in a 'normal' stage of grief...shock, disbelief, anger, depression, all of that. The most responsible thing you can do is to admit it, actively continue grieving, and know that you are not alone, and that there is nothing wrong with you if you feel these things.
  • Sensitivity: If you are intuitively perceptive, you sense what pervades the spiritual atmosphere around you. Your suicidal thoughts may not even be your own, but something you are picking up from someone around you! Perhaps you are being shown what someone close to you is wrestling with--so you can give an encouraging word to help them walk through it.
  • Hope:  Everyone needs Hope Alive. Find something hopeful and cling to it. Focus on whatever you can find that is positive. Tell someone what you are experiencing and ask for help. Ask what they see in you that is good, and try to affirm and celebrate--express gratitude for the Good Stuff.  
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Often things seem darkest just before the dawn of breakthrough. Creator fashioned you with purpose and a uniqueness that no one else can contribute to the universe but you.  A new year lies ahead--can't wait to see you in the light of a new year, clothed with the new strength and depth because of your perseverance and victory.  

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