Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weed Season

Weed Season

Spring has sprung in our neighborhood--trees are leafing out and my rosebushes started blooming yesterday. I saw a hummingbird searching for food a couple of weeks ago. Warm, sunny temperatures beg for open windows and outdoor projects. Fresh grass sprigs are slowly turning lawns from dry brown to more vibrant greenish hues.

Spring ushers in colorful life from a season of dormancy. I don't know anyone who does not relish the end of winter.

But also along with the new growth comes prolific proliferation of bugs, pollen, and weeds.
The weeds seem to grow ten times as quickly as the grass does. So when I scrutinize my lawn, a usually well-manicured crop of beauty, the weeds seem most visible. In time, the grass overtakes them but for a while, we have to invest time plucking them out of the ground from the roots, before they birth and spread more weed seeds. We must tend and water the grass and deal with the weeds during this season for a healthy summer show.

Many of us also get the urge for 'Spring cleaning' where we not only clear up the winter debris outside, but also organize the inside of our homes as well. Gut out the closets, change out decor, wash the windows for better sunlit view.

Since we spend time transitioning from one season to the next in our physical lives, wouldn't this be a perfect time to parallel within our spiritual lives, as well? Since we are in clearing and planting mode, why don't we also:

* Do a self-check to see if anything unhealthy has sprung up and is thriving in our mind or heart.  Is there any bitterness or unforgiveness that sours our peace or relationships? Any patterns of addiction or laziness that keep us from living our best? Any negative self-thoughts or words we speak to ourself or others that we need to reverse?

* Purge the 'clutter'.  Streamline our priorities. Attack toxic roots with vengeance. Prune out the distractions, the things we say 'yes' to regarding time and relationships, but are not good for us, activities that sap our strength and make us mutter.

* Prepare our heart. Spend time dreaming about our future. Dream big! Place destiny goals visibly on the horizon to aim for. Cultivate space in our life for new 'fruit' by eating healthier, exercising more, working smarter, planning more fun and relaxation. Pray for daily downloads of Divine direction, strategy, and peace.

* Feed our spirit. Perhaps we need some 'fertilizer' to stimulate a new growing season, nurture our strength, sustain our focus for the long haul. Without continual spiritual rejuvenation, our wells run dry more quickly and we find ourselves wilting too easily.

If you find yourself dragging through life, consistently fighting prickly issues, unsatisfied and unfulfilled with the 'view', take some time to assess how to make your garden thrive better...weed out the negative, plant what is positive. Let Spirit's sunlight transform your life so you can anticipate an abundant harvest!

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