Friday, December 30, 2011

5 Tips to Experiencing Breakthrough in 2012

It's New Year time again--time to reflect on 2011 and ponder the possibilities of 2012. I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but I do spend time getting still and examining the past year, and seeking insight about the year to come.
2011 was a difficult year for many people--11 representing a time of 'transition'. Transition is necessary and usually beneficial, but it can also be chaotic.
My son and his wife just moved at Christmastime to their first home, a beautiful new 'nest', a wonderful change for them. But getting the paperwork done, arrangements made, the possessions boxed, transported, and unboxed, the new house and the old apartment cleaned appropriately took some major effort.
The number 12 (of 2012) can represent order, right government, authority, and a sigh of relief for those of us who prefer stability and peace instead of shaking and upheaval!
Let's cooperate with the natural shift in season. Push past the distractions, find a quiet afternoon, get still, and focus on some personal 'housecleaning' so that you are ready for 2012's adventures with gusto. I usually like to invite my most treasured friend, the Spirit of Truth, to guide me and give divine insight to this process.
1) Make a list of the negatives of 2011. What mistakes did you make? What did you learn from them? What can you do to avoid them in the future? Which projects or relationships in your life need a different perspective or approach? Is there anyone you need to forgive (possibly yourself)? Is there anything you need to release and not carry with you into the new year?
2) Make a list of the positives of 2011. What goals were you able to accomplish? What did you learn along the way? What worked well for you? In what areas did you experience breakthrough (emotional, educational, physical, business or work, financial, mental, spiritual)? Did you receive answers to prayer?  What are you grateful for?
3) Change. What would you like to accomplish in 2012? List the areas of your life that you would like to change, and list some steps--even tiny advances you can take under each one--to make them happen. What areas of your character need overhaul, tweaking, strengthening, or polishing?
4) Life-end goals. Write your obituary. What accomplishments and character traits do you want to be remembered by your loved ones, peers, acquaintances--and by the world? You are a unique individual, gifted with plenty of strengths, experiences, and precious treasures. No one else in the world is like you. What does the world need from you? What is something ONLY you can do (or BE) to make an impact on lives around you?
5) Listen to your dreams. Ask the Giver of dreams to release more nighttime love messages to you about your purpose and destiny. And, ask for the dream interpretations as well. Write them down and pay attention. If you kept a dream journal, go back to analyze 2011's dreams. You may begin to realize that you are being called to pull off feats way beyond your own abilities. Exploits that will require supernatural involvement to make them happen. Dream Big!
What is one simple step you can do TODAY to launch with power into 2012?
Post it here, if you like, and GO DO IT!

Happy New Year from Destiny Dreamz! 

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