Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Presence

Christmas is but a heartbeat away—a season of festive friend and family functions, flavorful feasts, gift giving and gift getting. As we enjoy the whirlwind of activities, we greatly benefit by taking some time to focus on the spiritual significance of Christmastime. 
Reflecting on the reason for the season puts everything in perspective—we see more clearly how we have been touched and blessed by the Light of the World’s love and presence through past days and months.  We can release pains and regrets and anticipate new promises ahead.
When I remember this past year, the struggles and the victories, no words can express the depth of my gratitude and amazement for God’s tender care and love toward me. The icing on the cake is the insight and preparation I have received from my god-given dreams.  That he would speak to me, draw me closer—to warn me and encourage me--seems above and beyond what I deserve.
This is my Christmas wish for each of you—that you would experience increasing measures of Spirit’s presence in your waking hours and during your sleep. 
I ask the Creator to “make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers.  Oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him—endless energy, boundless strength!” (Ephesians 1:19)
I bless you in the tests and thrills of life—may you persevere and succeed in everything you do, and may you encounter the Spirit of Truth every step of the way. 
I leave with you with this ancient prayer for the 'present presence'--of God's protection and revelation during dream time:
Blessed are you, our God, gracious one, Keeper of the world,
Who makes my eyes sleepy and causes my eyelids to close. 
God of those who came before me, 
help me to lie down peacefully and rise up peacefully.
While I sleep, may I not be disturbed by troubling ideas, 
bad dreams, or scary thoughts that come to me in the night. 
May my sleep bring both rest and insight. 
Blessed are you, God, for illuminating
the whole world in glorious ways. 
Thank you for reading!  Merry Christmas to all!   

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