Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Journey into the Mysterious World of Dream Interpretation

Frequently people ask me, “Why did you decide to study dream interpretation?” They are curious about my pursuit and approach of this somewhat mystical subject. Short story--this is my destiny. Here is a somewhat more detailed answer:
I have always been a dreamer, since I was a little girl. I would dream, ‘see’, hear, or sense events that would actually happen shortly afterwards. I received insight about people in my life that helped me know how to approach them, or whether or not to avoid them!
I grew up in a traditional church group that loved me and taught me important foundational spiritual truths—I am grateful for what I learned and experienced. However, part of their belief system was that God got the world spinning and then ‘retired’…that he doesn’t speak to us anymore.
Therefore, when I dreamed or knew something seemingly supernaturally, I learned quickly not to say anything about it, lest I suffer criticism for using my ‘overactive imagination’. I eventually shut out that glorious Voice, thinking something was seriously wrong with me.
Years later as I worked my way through a healing process, the dreams returned, and there was no denying the fact that God was speaking to me, giving me guidance, helping me mend. What a difference it makes to know the God of the universe loves and supports you! I began to increasingly embrace my Father in ways that stretched my boxed-in thinking of how he really operates in our world.
Problem was, I didn’t understand most of those dreams! For many years I grasped a little wisdom, but I struggled to comprehend, with a degree of delight that he was including me somehow.
In 1996, God led me to a mentor who had years of experience and wisdom in dream interpretation, and I hungrily embarked full tilt into learning and practicing the principles I gleaned in this art of hearing God, thinking symbolically, discovering what to do with what I dreamed. It has been a thrilling, captivating, dreamy pilgrimage that has included interpreting thousands of dreams, training dream interpreters, teaching, practicing, and mentoring. The deeper I go, the more my yearning--for MORE--increases.
Dream interpretation is all about being drawn into a relationship with the Creator, who knows all and sees all, and wants to partner with us to make a difference in people’s lives. He loves us, knows what is ahead, and wants to speak to us about it. I don’t want to miss out on any of that good stuff!
Since then, it has become my mission to deepen my own understanding of dreams (though I still have to puzzle and ponder), as well as to help others learn to decipher Spirit’s nighttime metaphoric love language.
I believe God is revealing his heart continually to each one of us. I pray each one of us can value and understand the treasure of divine revelation that comes through dreams, so that we can walk more wisely and fully into our destiny.

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