Friday, December 30, 2011

5 Tips to Experiencing Breakthrough in 2012

It's New Year time again--time to reflect on 2011 and ponder the possibilities of 2012. I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but I do spend time getting still and examining the past year, and seeking insight about the year to come.
2011 was a difficult year for many people--11 representing a time of 'transition'. Transition is necessary and usually beneficial, but it can also be chaotic.
My son and his wife just moved at Christmastime to their first home, a beautiful new 'nest', a wonderful change for them. But getting the paperwork done, arrangements made, the possessions boxed, transported, and unboxed, the new house and the old apartment cleaned appropriately took some major effort.
The number 12 (of 2012) can represent order, right government, authority, and a sigh of relief for those of us who prefer stability and peace instead of shaking and upheaval!
Let's cooperate with the natural shift in season. Push past the distractions, find a quiet afternoon, get still, and focus on some personal 'housecleaning' so that you are ready for 2012's adventures with gusto. I usually like to invite my most treasured friend, the Spirit of Truth, to guide me and give divine insight to this process.
1) Make a list of the negatives of 2011. What mistakes did you make? What did you learn from them? What can you do to avoid them in the future? Which projects or relationships in your life need a different perspective or approach? Is there anyone you need to forgive (possibly yourself)? Is there anything you need to release and not carry with you into the new year?
2) Make a list of the positives of 2011. What goals were you able to accomplish? What did you learn along the way? What worked well for you? In what areas did you experience breakthrough (emotional, educational, physical, business or work, financial, mental, spiritual)? Did you receive answers to prayer?  What are you grateful for?
3) Change. What would you like to accomplish in 2012? List the areas of your life that you would like to change, and list some steps--even tiny advances you can take under each one--to make them happen. What areas of your character need overhaul, tweaking, strengthening, or polishing?
4) Life-end goals. Write your obituary. What accomplishments and character traits do you want to be remembered by your loved ones, peers, acquaintances--and by the world? You are a unique individual, gifted with plenty of strengths, experiences, and precious treasures. No one else in the world is like you. What does the world need from you? What is something ONLY you can do (or BE) to make an impact on lives around you?
5) Listen to your dreams. Ask the Giver of dreams to release more nighttime love messages to you about your purpose and destiny. And, ask for the dream interpretations as well. Write them down and pay attention. If you kept a dream journal, go back to analyze 2011's dreams. You may begin to realize that you are being called to pull off feats way beyond your own abilities. Exploits that will require supernatural involvement to make them happen. Dream Big!
What is one simple step you can do TODAY to launch with power into 2012?
Post it here, if you like, and GO DO IT!

Happy New Year from Destiny Dreamz! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Choosing the Easy Way or the Hard Way

Choosing the Easy Way or the Hard Way

Yesterday at the doctor's office,  the assistant queried me about the level of pain I felt during a procedure I was undergoing. When I expressed discomfort, she brought me this tiny tube of 'relief gel' that is designed to 'desensitize' me to pain. I mock-expressed dismay at the tiny tube and requested a vat-full of the miracle relief instead.
I experienced a few moments of satisfying comfort just imagining myself soaking in a big tub of the stuff whenever life got uncomfortable or painful.
Wouldn't that be nice?
It made me think of Staples' Easy Button campaign designed to convince customers to take the 'easy way' in getting their office needs met. How many times do we face difficult circumstances and wish we could press the Easy Button to take care of matters?
However, with most of our challenges, the only way OUT of them is to go THROUGH them. Life provides us with endless opportunities to grow, get stretched, and overcome. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, the saying goes. I think we would all agree that those painful seasons, though excruciating at times, always bring us to a new level of power and hardiness, especially if we cooperate. No pain, no gain.
Human nature almost always desires the easy way out. Not just in our difficulties, like experiencing sickness, financial troubles, or emotional devastation, but also in our learning and growing opportunities. If given a choice in learning something new, how often do we usually try to slide by with the least amount of effort and cost from us?
Our outlook plays an important role in how much we choose to resist or embrace our trials. Do we view them as a chance to tackle and conquer, trusting that we will become better people in the process, or do we see them as something to avoid and complain the whole way through about how much it hurts?
I'm not advocating the idea that we all become martyrs or always choose the painful route, possibly subtly letting people know how much we are 'suffering'. But there are times when we can benefit greatly by welcoming our problems, seeing them as Divine compliments, knowing an end WILL come, and realizing there is a purpose for us as we plug away. We can look back and see how the journey has transformed our thinking and our character--all for the better.
One of my favorite authors says, "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." (James 1:2-4 The Message)
I think if we choose to conquer life with a positive attitude, once in a while, we get to enjoy heaven-sent fellow journeymen who are willing lighten our load by sharing their Relief Gel with us.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pay Attention!

Have you ever found yourself obviously divinely planted in just the right place at just the right time? A moment reveals an assignment that requires timely precision and action to step in and perhaps prevent a looming disaster?
A few days ago I was out walking my dogs and we approached an intersection. I had a 'sense' of something approaching, and I made my dogs sit and stay. Just ahead of me was a college girl talking on her phone. She stepped out into the street without looking. Time seemed to slow down like I was in warp speed, as out of the corner of my eye I spied the SUV heading straight toward her. I grabbed the girl's arm and yanked her clear out of the path of the speeding car.
My adrenaline spiked and I knew I had just be privileged to save her from extreme injury, if not death. I was shaky and wanted to hug this gal because I felt an instant bond with her.
Her response? She kept talking on her phone and kept walking. As if nothing happened. No acknowledgment, no eye contact, no "Thank you." Like having her life saved was not even a tiny blip on the screen of her consciousness.
I was stunned! I didn't need to be thanked, but wow, her ungratefulness and apathy took me by surprise. My first thought was that if she didn't learn to become more aware of her surroundings, she will keep walking in front of cars and eventually experience some sort of hit that could really take her out.
But then it hit me. Spirit said to me, "Merry, you are the same way. You don't see the dangers that are averted away from you every day. And you don't develop gratefulness for all those near-misses. You just keep on going and fail to learn because you are not paying attention."
My response: "Let me see some of them so I can change my outlook and attitude."
Let's just say that tuning in lately has shaken me, as I've personally experienced several narrowly-missed incidents that could have been tragic:
  • Things like my garage door somehow left open while we are gone for the entire evening (in a robbery-prone neighborhood) and nothing is disturbed.  
  • Falling into a hole on my nightly walk with no injury. (I tripped and fell like a feather)
  • 'Almost' landing in a ditch on a bike ride but miraculously didn't, because 'someone or some thing' moved my front tire back on the path
  • Pausing at an intersection in my car, then watching a truck run the red light--thus NOT plowing into me
  • 'Happening' to be home when a fire erupts. A neighbor sees it and we put it out before our house catches fire
I'm not accident-prone, really!  These are everyday occurrences that I would  normally, quickly dismiss.  
But I have come to believe way more deeply that I'm divinely protected in so many incidents and ways--big and small--that I don't even notice. Or acknowledge. Or become grateful for. I'm realizing more how I am not really in control. But Someone is. And He has got my back. Even when I don't say, 'Thank you."
It all seems to add a little more joy to life, knowing that I can be bold and not walk in fear…or in ignorance either. I can entrust my life to Creator to a greater degree, and that makes my heart more thankful.
And if I learn to focus more intently and step aside more quickly, how many hard hits in life might I actually avoid altogether?
Have you experienced any near-misses lately? What could you learn from those events?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Engaging the Unseen--The Bigger Picture

Engaging the Unseen--The Bigger Picture

Lately I've been catching myself increasingly doing a lot of 'double takes' as I 'see' or sense something out of the corner of my eye that I didn't realize was actually there. A startling flash of dark or white light, a figure, a creature, a door, or even descriptive words hanging in thin air. When I look back, my eyes don't see anything, but flickered image remains, as well as a real sense of its continued presence.
Some people might call it old age, or say my eyes are playing tricks on me, or think that I need more sleep, or accuse me for having an overactive imagination.
But the fact is, for many years, I've been asking for eyes to see the unseen world--what is going on in the spiritual realm 'behind the scenes', so that I can know how to interact and cooperate with Divine assignments. I want God to use me to bring encouragement and hope into our world. I figure the more I can see what he is doing, the more I can step in with understanding and compassion.
I think many of us see this kind of stuff but we may be too quick to dismiss it for fear people would call us crazy or weird. Or we don't know what to do with what we detect.
One of my favorite stories in the ancient scriptures concerns a prophetic guy, Elisha. He was famous for his continual, accurate 'insider information' from God's heart that protected his leaders. So he was hated and hunted by his enemies.
One morning he discovered he was surrounded by 'impressive fighting forces' from the other side. Elisha's servant panicked and said, "Oh, master! What shall we do?"
Elisha calmly answered, "Don't worry about it--there are more on our side than on their side." And he prayed for God to open the servant's eyes and let him see.
"The eyes of the young man were opened and he saw. A wonder!   The whole mountain-side full of heavenly horses and chariots of fire were surrounding Elisha." (2 Kings 6). This turn of events led to a supernatural victory over the evil army because Elisha could clearly see the bigger picture. Appearances through the natural eye can be deceiving.
I believe we can live in greater confidence and faith if we become more aware of both the negative plots that are pitted against us, as well as the positive or angelic armies protecting us and working for us. Perhaps we would feel much less stress as well.  
If I see something extra, maybe I'm being invited to join in somehow. I want to live a fully engaged life and make a difference for Good.
So, regarding those imgage flashes, scary, strange, puzzling, and often inconvenient--I say, "Thank you, Creator!  BRING THEM ON! Open my eyes to see, and my ears to hear, and give me the courage to respond." 

Picture:  Ron DiCianni "Chariots of Fire"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Striking the Sweet Spot in Dream Interpretation

Striking the Sweet Spot in Dream Interpretation

If you are a student of dream interpretation, you know how crucial it is to think metaphorically in order to interpret dreams accurately. You learn the process of determining the focus of a dream--who or what the dream is about, what are the major or most important symbols, the minor or less critical symbols, and of course their possible symbol meanings.
The more you practice, the better you get at knowing your colors, numbers, common themes, the sources of dreams, as well as summing up a dream's meaning along the way.
In essence, it becomes second nature to Simplify, Symbolize, and Summarize. But we can't forget the last step, the most important: Striking the Sweet Spot.
The sweet spot is not a bakery, but it is the point or area on a bat, club, or racket which makes the most effective contact with the ball when hit just right. If you master awareness of the sweet spot and learn how to 'use your equipment/equipping' correctly,  you will shoot  the ball directly where you are aiming, with ease.  
What is 'the sweet spot' in dream interpretation? It is discerning the 'WHY' of the dream. It is not only knowing the message of the dream, but understanding why the dream was released to the dreamer.
We need to understand the purpose of the dream (see the list of dream types). Is it awarning? An encouragement dream? A dream giving direction or highlighting a fear that needs to be addressed?
What is the Dreamgiver's heart and love message for the dreamer?
Without 'nailing' the sweet spot, our interpretations will fall flat and not connect deeply with the dreamer's spirit.
To become an excellent dream interpreter, take time to go deeper and listen for how to deliver the message with purposeful impact. Dream message + Sweet Spot + your love for the dreamer = power to transform lives, one dream at a time!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Much Heat Can You Take?

How Much Heat Can You Take?

Deep in the heart of Texas, we are experiencing summer heat and drought like no other summer that I can remember--relentless heat wave with no rain for many months. Every morning our newspaper headlines highlight drought complications. Today marks our 40th day in a row over 100 degrees--some days my thermometer reads 110.
Our region normally experiences hot summers, but not sustained dry seasons like this current fiery streak. Folks have been irritable and testy because of the weather, water shortage, and outrageous utility bills.
I asked Spirit, "Have we done something wrong? Why are things so miserable? Can you please send rain and give us relief?"
The answer I heard back took my breath away: "You don't need relief. You need to learn to endure the heat. How much heat can you take?"
The only response I could think of was, "OK, I will take as much heat as you deem necessary. Bring it on. Teach me how to live graciously in all circumstances. Not only that, but douse me with accelerant and set me on fire!"
That means not complaining or fretting in the midst of wildfires all around, our dead lawns, or sweltering car rides. After all, we do have air conditioning and iced tea!
Often natural happenings reflect what is happening in the spiritual realm. Are you experiencing extreme pressure in areas of your life like tests in character, finances, or relationships?
I expect many of us are having the 'non-essentials' of life shaken or burned away, so that we can move forward in greater strength, better attitudes, with less deadweight. It helps if we cooperate instead of whine and resist.
Already, folks here in the heat wave district are adapting. Last night during my late night walk, other walkers were delighting in the 'cool breezes' that two months ago we felt were killing us!
l believe we also are developing spiritual ability to handle more adversity--so that we are better prepared for days ahead.  Purifying and refining comes from heat!
This morning I noticed a sweet sight in my garden. My favorite rosebush, which I thought was heat-stroke-dead because it is brown and has lost all of its leaves, is blooming! Two fragrant, albeit scraggly roses made me smile and feel a glimmer of hope that no matter how HOT life gets, we can be survivors and thrivers. Through scorching, burning, searing, red-hot trials of every kind:
"These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever." (The Message)
How much heat can YOU take?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Lessons from the Desert

Lessons From the Desert

My husband and I were 'planted' in Abilene, Texas--for the second time--seventeen years ago. Just out of college, we escaped this fine little West Texas city the first time to move to Denver, where we fully fell in love with mountains and cool weather for ten glorious years.  Following a dream, we then sold everything we owned in hopes of moving to a foreign mission field--with a planned year-long stop backin Abilene for training and fundraising.
But we never made it to our desired destination, getting 'stuck' in Abilene--sigh--again. The people are wonderful here, but scenery is sadly lacking, especially if one has been spoiled by living in pretty places. Believing that we were supposed to 'bloom where we are planted', we put down roots, raised our children, and have ever been trusting that we have a mission to accomplish here, and that in God's timing, we might get to relocate to a more pleasant place of paradise.
We have learned to be content in the waiting for change, but not without some groaning. Our spirits sometimes sag with the  summer heat (yesterday it was 107.6 degrees in the shade), high electric bills, hot winds, fried, brown lawns, and dust storms that leave your teeth gritty if you dare try to smile outside. And smile big, we try--it makes life more enjoyable.
Just a few lessons learned from Desert Time (think metaphorically):
* Desert seasons produce hardy people. We have no mountains to escape to or to 'wander around'. Landscape seems flat and boring. We see the wide horizon, but any change ahead seems, oh, so far off. Strong character is produced as we practice taking scorching 'heat' with gracious patience, living life faithfully, making a difference around us, one day at a time--while keeping our eyes focused on dreams ahead.
* Help the weaker ones. Spiritually speaking, we must put others' needs first. To share with those who are struggling, help them keep protected along their journey. We do this out of our own strengths and victories.
* It's easy to get dehydrated, so drink a lot. Water, yes. Fine wine occasionally, yes. Spirit, most definitely yes! Drink deep, drink long, drink until we are full, every day. Because we humans leak and need a constant refilling and refueling in order to survive. We may look parched or weather-worn on the outside, but inwardly, we are being renewed day by day by the One who made us.
* It only takes a careless spark to start a wildfire. "By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell." (James 3:6) It is easier to prevent a fiery disaster than to control it once it has begun. Note to self: Quit complaining!
* Sometimes relief comes in the form of a storm. We pray consistently for welcome 'rain' and the answers often appear in the form of pounding hail, tornados, water torrents, or high winds--that force violent cleansing within our lives. Allowing our roots to go deep during difficult times keeps our foundation firm when we are shaken to the core.  
* We all need to take a break once in a while. Get out of dodge, take a vacation, refresh in a different locale. See another part of the world--we return 'home' with a renewed perspective that will sustain us until seasons change.
Just call me 'Desert Rose'--because I am hoping and learning to thrive by blooming and producing divine fragrance in all sorts of dry places.

Question: What kinds of adversity are you learning to persist through? What's your strategy? What are some of the lessons you have learned in the process?
Merry Bruton's blog  Dream Interpretation

Friday, June 10, 2011

Is My Dream Literal or Symbolic?

Is My Dream Literal or Symbolic?

In dream interpretation training, a major concept emphasized repeatedly is that dreams are symbolic. Too often we miss the meaning of a dream because we interpret it--or specific symbols in a dream--too literally. We may think our boss in our dream really represents our boss, rather than someone in authority over us that is 'bossing' us around. A good interpreter will ALWAYS first consider the symbolic possibilities of a dream.
However, that doesn't mean that dreams are never literal. Some of our 'dreams' are actually 'visions' of the night (a little different from a dream), and visions tend to communicate more literally. Some of our dreams are just plain, straightforward revelation about a crucial situation that needs unlocking.
How do we know whether we should interpret a dream symbolically or literally? Rule of thumb is to interpret symbolically first. This interpretation will even apply if the dream is more direct. We interpret, then apply the interpretation. Often the application is literal. Or literally symbolic.
Like the time I dreamed I had rats feeding in my basement. It was upsetting and I knew that I needed to look into my life to see what 'garbage' was hidden that was empowering a feeling of being 'eaten' up and defiled. I found some some attitudes and behaviors that needed to be cleaned up. But in the process, we realized we really did INDEED have rats living in our basement. They were coming in through the doggie door! There was an 'open entry point' that needed to be tended to. And rat eradication wasn't as easy or as quick as we hoped. It was a slow, steady process that required patience and tenacity. Double dream meaning!
Don't dismiss possible literal applications for dreams. For example:
* If you dream that you get a job promotion and will make a difficult but rewarding move to Philadelphia, you can keep your ears open for such a possibility at your job, but also keep in mind that your heart may need a 'shift' toward greater 'brotherly love' that will challenge you but increase your happiness.
* If you dream that your friend Alison drowns, your dream may be telling you that she is feeling overwhelmed in life and needs some help. But you might also pray for her physical safety. Or even call her and ask her to be extra careful at the lake house this weekend.
* If you dream your front rear tire is low on air, you might acknowledge that your spirit needs a 'refilling'. But also, check that tire before you leave for work.
* During a sad time in our family, I dreamed we all rolled around in the floor playing with a little black and white puppy, laughing through waves and waves of deep belly heaves. I awoke with tears of healing from the laughter. A heavy weight lifted. The next day, we found out that our father-in-law had just spontaneously bought us a little Boston terrier puppy....a happy harbinger of joy sent into our lives after a season of grief.
It never hurts to cover all the bases that you can in applying a dream interpretation. Dreams are subjective, sometimes very clear, very often confusing. Amazingly often, if we are paying attention, we notice a correlation between internals and externals--what a dream says about what is happening within us isconfirmed by natural events or conditions. We can always ask for further Divine information.
An amazing treasure about dreams is how they can speak to us on many different levels. Literal. Symbolic. Hidden. Somewhere in between. And all of the above. Dream interpretation does not fit in any kind of box. What a great gift we receive from the Dream Giver, who employs all sorts of creative ways to speak guidance into our lives.

Share:  What dreams have you experienced that seemed to speak more literally to you?  Or had several layers of meaning--symbolic as well as 'real life' stuff?

Reboot Thyself

Reboot Thyself

Humans naturally gravitate toward ruts--boring routines or habits that rule. Our repetitive actions can be positive or negative, productive, lazy, damaging, internal or external.
I believe our externals reflect what is happening internally. If we are thinking imaginatively or creatively, we radiate with renewed energy. If we focus on what isn't working well in our life, our lack of victory or gratitude can sour the atmosphere around us--and folks notice it.
Which areas are you most prone to succumb to a default mode? Mental, physical, or emotional? Foods and exercise? Work? Relational? Spiritual? Thinking patterns?
Dream interpreters can get stuck in humdrum habits all too easily, mostly if we aren't tending to our spiritual life. But to strengthen our dream interpretation abilities, it especially helps to flush out any filters that may have gotten clogged from too much linear or literal thinking. We must experience free back-and-forth flow of right-brain and left-brain processing, balanced by quiet peace--in a noisy world--so that we can Dream Big and connect with the Releaser of Dreams.
Our biggest hurdle, of course, is to recognize our ruts. Then it is a matter of discipline to reverse and revoke them. Try keeping your brain stirred up. Renew vigor by varying as many of your routines as possible. Here are just a few suggestions:
* Set your alarm clock to a new station or sound. Processing unfamiliar sounds wakes up your brain a different way.
* Journal your dreams in a different way to remember them. Draw a picture or a map of the action instead of using words.
* Get dressed with your eyes closed. Pick out your outfit the night before and then blindly rely on your other senses to get yourself ready.
* Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand, challenging different nerve cells in your brain.
* Swap lunches with your co-workers or friends. Or try a different restaurant and a new type of food that you've never tasted before. Lay off foods you are addicted to for a season.
* Have a silent family dinner. No talking while eating. Figure out how to communicate your day or your requests without words, in a visual way, which will spark creativity.
* Spend a day 'unplugged'--set the computer, TV, and phone aside--spend time outdoors, doing something you don't normally do.
Reboot thyself. Reset, clear the cache, delete any necessary 'cookies' (or unwanted, extra 'junk files' in your memory), download and install new mental and spiritual updates. Reconnect to your Power Source. Then you are ready to fire up again with more power and clarity.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fully Present

Fully Present

When is the last time you spent an afternoon with someone without interruption of any kind? How did that feel?
I had to think back to quite a while ago. It had to involve a time NOT in a public place, not ordering food or drink of any kind, with cell phones muted and set aside--an extremely rare occurrence these days.
Consistently, we may schedule a meeting with someone in Starbucks or in a restaurant and start to dig deep into each others' lives. A deep personal thought begins to take verbal shape, when....
--the waiter appears to take our order
--we need a drink refill
--another friend stops by to visit
--our phone beeps with email, call, reminder, or text. Oops, forgot to mute it!
--our friend's phone rings, beeps, or dings--and they answer it, while we are in mid-sentence
I admire folks who can multi-task well. A business owner can get a boat-load of work done from any mobile position anywhere in the world. And once in a while there is an emergency we need to know about. But there are definitely down sides to allowing immediate technological access.
In relationships, something gets lost when we are sharing about a story or a personal dilemma to someone we've scheduled time for, and suddenly we realize we are talking to ourselves, because our companion is reading and responding to a text instead of listening. Can't it wait a FEW more minutes so we can enjoy our time together?  
What do I communicate to people when I abruptly leave a face-to-face conversation and focus on my phone or turn my eyes toward the TV?  I am essentially saying, "You are not important enough to warrant my full attention."
I often see couples or families walking or eating out together, while one parent disappears into cell-phone-land, while the others wait and hope for a quick return of 'dad' or 'mom' or 'date' time.
The problem is not with technology, but with our values and choices.
I remember being a young mother who always had laundry to fold, dishes to wash, meals to prepare, messes to clean up, and yet my toddler closely clung, clamoring for my expert assistance in building a tower from blocks or book reading. I decided eventually that heart tending was my highest priority. Easier said than done, with all the distractions. I had to force myself to sit in the floor and put my focus solely on becoming the best block stacking, Seuss-reading mother...ever.
In order for me to interpret dreams--or to connect with people at a sacred level--I must get quiet, shut down everything else to focus on the task at hand. I'd get in trouble and not deliver anything of quality if I tried to decipher dreams or try to connect at a deep level with anyone while chatting online or updating my Facebook status.

Question: How many people do you have in your life who deserve and receive your undivided, 'unplugged' time? Are you able to set everything aside and be fully present for them? If so, how do you manage it?  If not, why not?

Thank you for reading 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Puzzle Solving--in Dream Interpretation and in Life

Puzzle Solving--in Dream Interpretation and in Life

Submitted by Merry Bruton on Wed, 05/04/2011 - 1:12pm

Every single day brings challenges that require personal stretching in our problem-solving skills. How many decisions do you suppose we have to make in any given 24-hour period? 'Experts' say anywhere between 500 and 35,000 per day, from trivial to mega-selections:
What do I wear today?
What's for lunch?
Which road route do I take?
How do I get along with my co-worker or a certain family member?
How do I navigate the automated customer service voice maze?
Can I get all my projects accomplished today?
How do I stretch my finances to cover all my family's needs?
Chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation?
Who am I and what is my purpose in life?
Just to name a few....
Life is full of decision making. We get to continually test and strengthen our puzzle solving skills, especially when other people are involved. Like putting an actual jigsaw puzzle together--some basic principles might apply:
1. Don't force a fit. If something is meant to be, it will come together naturally. Trying to 'make' personalities, skills, and ideas work together when they are perhaps not supposed to, can be very frustrating for those being teamed up--and for those doing the teaming.
2. Establish borders first. Cast vision for the big picture and set practical expectations in view. This gives a sense of security and order for all other pieces to hinge upon.
3. Every puzzle goes together bit by bit, piece by piece, and every single piece is crucial. Because we can't instantly see where all pieces fit does not mean they don't belong--we are just not sure where...yet.
4. Don't be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are very surprising. Look carefully at each piece to see if it fits with another. Often getting one area put together right can give clarity on the next.
5. If pieces are missing, the puzzle cannot be completed. Look for any missing pieces so the entire undertaking isn't stopped or frustrated by what is missing.
6. It is ok to look at the picture on the box. Envisioning the clear, big picture can help with finding where to start looking for the right pieces.
7. Allow others to give input into your puzzle solving. Fresh eyes see what we do not see. *
(All these can also apply to dream interpretation)

*Wisdom adapted from my friend Ben Fike

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Effective Frequency

Effective Frequency

Do you have a message that you want the world to hear? Perhaps you are called to get the word out about a particular issue, whether it is a personal lesson learned, a job that requires advertising for your product or service, or something else you are quite passionate about. How do you get people to listen....and take action?
The marketing world emphasizes the principle of Effective Frequency.
What’s Effective Frequency? Effective frequency is the number of times people must be exposed to a message (or advertising) before they act on it. Experts debate on how many times are necessary--every person is different. Statistics show that on average, people need to be exposed to a message or see an ad seven to twenty times before they 'buy' into it.
A London businessman, Thomas Smith, wrote the following in 1885 regarding advertising. I've modified it a little bit to expand the idea beyond just sales:
1. The first time people look at any given ad or message they don’t even see it.
2. The second time, they don’t notice it.
3. The third time, they are aware that it is there.
4. The fourth time, they have a fleeting sense that they’ve seen it somewhere before.
5. The fifth time, they actually read the ad or listen to the message more fully.
6. The sixth time they thumb their nose at it.
7. The seventh time, they start to get a little irritated with it.
8. The eighth time, they start to think, “Here’s that weird, confounded idea again.”
9. The ninth time, they start to wonder if they’re missing out on something.
10. The tenth time, they ask their friends and neighbors if they’ve tried it.
11. The eleventh time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads, investing more and more to get the word out.
12. The twelfth time, they start to think that it must be a good product.
13. The thirteenth time, they start to feel the product or idea actually has value.
14. The fourteenth time, they start to remember wanting exactly this solution for a long time.
15. The fifteenth time, they start to yearn for it because they feel they can’t afford it.
16. The sixteenth time, they accept the fact that they will go for it sometime in the future.
17. The seventeenth time, they make a note to bite the bullet.
18. The eighteenth time, they curse their poverty for not allowing them to buy into this terrific concept.
19. The nineteenth time, they count their money, their time, and their resources very carefully.
20. The twentieth time prospects see the message, they believe and commit to what is being offered.
What do you want to communicate?  If you have a message you want to share with the world, be consistent in all your actions and words. The more people see you and what you have to offer in life--with effective frequency--the more they will begin to listen and eventually receive. So, keep up the good work....and keep talking about it.
Since I'm posting this blog on my own dream interpretation website, my message (I think it is worth repeating) is:
1) Listen to your dreams--to determine your destiny and your direction. Your dreams are nighttime messages that can guide you in your waking life. Unlocking your dream meaningscan bring a greater spiritual understanding of your current circumstances, answers to dilemmas you may be experiencing, and directions to step more fully into your life’s destiny or calling.
2) Listen to your dreams--to determine your destiny and your direction. Your dreams are nighttime messages that can guide you in your waking life. Unlocking your dream meanings can bring a greater spiritual understanding of your current circumstances, answers to dilemmas you may be experiencing, and directions to step more fully into your life’s destiny or calling.
3) Listen to your dreams--to determine your destiny and your direction. Your dreams are nighttime messages that can guide you in your waking life. Unlocking your dream meanings can bring a greater spiritual understanding of your current circumstances, answers to dilemmas you may be experiencing, and directions to step more fully into your life’s destiny or calling.
4) . . . now read it about 17 more times! . . . Let us know how we can help you with your dreams. 


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weed Season

Weed Season

Spring has sprung in our neighborhood--trees are leafing out and my rosebushes started blooming yesterday. I saw a hummingbird searching for food a couple of weeks ago. Warm, sunny temperatures beg for open windows and outdoor projects. Fresh grass sprigs are slowly turning lawns from dry brown to more vibrant greenish hues.

Spring ushers in colorful life from a season of dormancy. I don't know anyone who does not relish the end of winter.

But also along with the new growth comes prolific proliferation of bugs, pollen, and weeds.
The weeds seem to grow ten times as quickly as the grass does. So when I scrutinize my lawn, a usually well-manicured crop of beauty, the weeds seem most visible. In time, the grass overtakes them but for a while, we have to invest time plucking them out of the ground from the roots, before they birth and spread more weed seeds. We must tend and water the grass and deal with the weeds during this season for a healthy summer show.

Many of us also get the urge for 'Spring cleaning' where we not only clear up the winter debris outside, but also organize the inside of our homes as well. Gut out the closets, change out decor, wash the windows for better sunlit view.

Since we spend time transitioning from one season to the next in our physical lives, wouldn't this be a perfect time to parallel within our spiritual lives, as well? Since we are in clearing and planting mode, why don't we also:

* Do a self-check to see if anything unhealthy has sprung up and is thriving in our mind or heart.  Is there any bitterness or unforgiveness that sours our peace or relationships? Any patterns of addiction or laziness that keep us from living our best? Any negative self-thoughts or words we speak to ourself or others that we need to reverse?

* Purge the 'clutter'.  Streamline our priorities. Attack toxic roots with vengeance. Prune out the distractions, the things we say 'yes' to regarding time and relationships, but are not good for us, activities that sap our strength and make us mutter.

* Prepare our heart. Spend time dreaming about our future. Dream big! Place destiny goals visibly on the horizon to aim for. Cultivate space in our life for new 'fruit' by eating healthier, exercising more, working smarter, planning more fun and relaxation. Pray for daily downloads of Divine direction, strategy, and peace.

* Feed our spirit. Perhaps we need some 'fertilizer' to stimulate a new growing season, nurture our strength, sustain our focus for the long haul. Without continual spiritual rejuvenation, our wells run dry more quickly and we find ourselves wilting too easily.

If you find yourself dragging through life, consistently fighting prickly issues, unsatisfied and unfulfilled with the 'view', take some time to assess how to make your garden thrive better...weed out the negative, plant what is positive. Let Spirit's sunlight transform your life so you can anticipate an abundant harvest!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Offense!

No Offense!

"No offense, but you're a jerk, and our relationship is finished!" Have you ever knowingly or unknowingly messed up and then found yourself on the receiving end of similar words or sentiments? Or perhaps you've felt deeply hurt by someone's actions and you responded in such a manner. Thinking back, whether we were the 'offender' or the 'offendee', it is difficult to imagine how a situation got so explosive so quickly---how things could go so wrong so fast?
Each of us is unique and complicated, and nurturing our relationships, well, it requires work! Especially when conflict occurs.
But there is another unseen factor that most of us don't take into consideration when emotions run high--the Spirit of Offense. I believe there are positive forces as well as negative spiritual forces at work in the world, and they influence people, to the degree that we allow. And Mr. Offense is always strategizing against us, planting negative thoughts, causing suspicion and one-sided blindness, reminding us of 'our rights' and what we 'deserve' and didn't get. Offense strikes as a hidden giant, an active force both at causing us to offend--as well as to get offended.
Many folks are receiving dreams from God right now, highlighting and confirming the presence and influence of Offense--so that we can aggressively guard against cooperating in any way with this nasty spirit whose aim is to stir up division and destruction.
The Offending spirit's influence causes folks to:
* Assume the worst about people's actions and intent
* Slice, dice (with attacking words) and run
* Immediately feel better having vented, not considering the wounds and blood trails left behind
* Be driven by a combo of hot temper, stewing, all or nothing thinking, resentment, jealousy, score-keeping, 'road rage style' of reacting
* Attack in a cruel, cutting way, at an inopportune moment for the 'target'
* Live in Victim mentality--react from 'hot button' issues, unhealed wounds, past rejection, etc.
* Badmouth without discretion
* Not be able to see the 'other side' of the issue
"What have I done to deserve this?" We may ask ourselves this question, but often not in the right way. We should be asking, "What is in me that may be attracting the spirit of offense? Have I offended someone and not apologized and asked for forgiveness? Have I inflicted a wound that I need to properly address? Have I opened a door for the spirit of Offense to interpret as a welcome 'invitation' to wreak havoc in my life?
We do not have to obey old habit patterns that cause irritations in our relationships. We ask ourselves, "What are my hot buttons that may cause me to easily get offended at people?" If we possess a nasty offense pattern in our life, we can trace the bad fruit back to the rotting roots and terminate those deadly suckers. If we carefully rid ourselves of offense, we can block much trouble off at the pass.
Remedies for successfully combating Offense:
Recognize and resist any supernatural presence that fiercely empowers hurt emotions
* Quickly apologize for offending, and quickly forgive all offenses toward us
Choose love. Love first thinks the best of people
Take authority! Refuse every negative thought spirit, and word (no self-muttering)
Reverse the process--choose the high road. Bless and do not curse (even secretly), choose not to respond in ugly fashion no matter what was done or how we feel.
Take responsibility for our every word or action
Sometimes we are on the verge of a breakthrough and are making a difference in a situation, and we just get blindsided by someone who is succumbing to Offense, so that we get distracted from success--not-so-subtle spiritual enemy sabotage. In such cases, we are wise to recognize the root cause and respond with understanding compassion, knowing who the real 'enemy' is.
Life is tricky enough without recognizing and allowing Offense and reactionary Defense to run the show. The upside:  every Offense is an opportunity for growth!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Unleashing the Leashed

Unleashing the Leashed

In the past two months I have begun to notice something new as I go about my daily activities. I'm not a 'psychic' but I 'see' stuff. It is normal for me to sense emotions or struggles from within a person near me, or to 'know' something about someone I'm getting ready to meet. The big question is, 'What do I do with what I see?"
Themes often develop as I enter new learning seasons.
Lately I have been seeing and thinking about--leashes.
It started when I was visiting Las Vegas a few weeks ago. I saw an older man walking through an extremely crowded room with a scantily-clad, stiletto-heeled woman. He was 'leading' her around using a bling-studded leash--fastened to a spiked collar around her neck.
The sight stopped me dead in my tracks. Lots of questions flooded my mind. I felt sorry for anyone choosing to walk around in public like that. And I watched that poor lady get jerked around. I asked Spirit to show me what was going on, and the answer was, "Pray for them, pay attention, keep watching."
Then, as I was walking through a casino early the next morning, I saw another man wearing a stretchy lanyard around his neck, attached to a credit card--that was inserted into a slot machine. His red, bleary eyes and the look on his face told me he had been gambling all night and was way down on his 'luck', with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.  He was tethered to that slot machine via 'leash'.
The more I observed, the more I began to 'see' people and their chains, or the things they choose to 'leash' themselves to. Leashes are tools intended for restraint and control, mainly for animals. (For toddlers, too, though that subject is controversial). And many of the unhealthy 'people leashes' probably start out harmless or entertaining for awhile, but become addictions that take control and do the leading. Who becomes the 'master' in charge?
Interestingly enough, after my trip to Las Vegas, I took my two little dogs out to our local trail for their usual walk and training time. They were on my heels when a young lady passed by with her dog on one of those long retractable leashes. She circled around me, screamed at me to 'get control' of my dogs, to get them out of her way, and she threatened me--this has happened several times. I have felt blindsided and whiplashed by her rage--over a leash? (or maybe not)! Are these coincidental timings of  'leash' situations? Nah! 
I'm discovering that more and more people are leashed to terrors, ruts, and angers that deeply restrict their quality of life. They are bonded to things that may seem invisible to the average eye. And they do not know how to get free.
What is the purpose for receiving these pieces of revelation?
With knowledge comes responsibility--are we willing to look beyond people's scary or puzzling actions--to offer a smile in response, an encouraging word, a listening ear, or a helping hand toward freedom? We are to ask--what is behind that behavior? Not to judge, but to have compassion, to be willing to help.  
Perhaps with love, we can Usher in an Ultimate Unleashing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



A buzzword that keeps appearing on my radar these days is 'entitlement'--the notion or belief that one (or oneself) is deserving of some particular reward or benefit (Wikipedia). Often entitlement refers to monetary 'rights' or handouts owed to a person by government programs--"I'm not working, so someone else needs to pay my bills." Touchy subject, especially nowadays regarding health insurance...don't get me started on that one, though.
Narcissistic people are masters of entitlement, holding unreasonable expectations of preferred treatment because they are somehow more 'special', and if they don't get what they think they deserve, everyone around them pays a price in one way or another.
You hear the phrases, "Not fair!" "I deserve better!" "They OWE me!" "I need, I want. Me! Me! MEEE!" The 'ME Monster' rears its head and it is not a pretty picture--obvious to everyone except to the superior person herself.
Let's face it, our society is increasingly becoming more self-centered--we get impatient when we have to wait in line, when our internet goes down for five minutes, when we have to work extra time to complete a project, or when someone else doesn't follow through on a commitment. We want what we want, when we want it. And we tend to blame others and complain when we are feeling inconvenienced.
Can I serve up some cheese to go with the whine?
Sometimes, unknowingly, we set ourselves up for the toxic "you owe me" dance.
We bestow upon ourselves a Title.
I'm a 'Mrs.' That means I'm married and with that title comes a 'stamp' that signifies I'm committed to someone in marriage. I love being a Mrs.--it has great benefits--and responsibilities. Some titles designate who we are and what we do.  
But we take other titles that designate who we think we are, a subtle self-promotion tactic: I'm an Apostle/Expert/Master/Count/Diva/Grand Poo-Bah. I want to be called "Dr. Who-Zit". I saw in the news the other day someone named "The Very Reverend So-and-So."
When we take a title, we create expectations of ourselves, and we place our expectations on others. We then feel--Entitled.
And few people relish having to  honor our entitlements. Awkward!
If we are really good at something, people know it without our deliberately calling attention to it.
A grace-filled life comes from adopting a humble, giving attitude--an "I am grateful and want to give to the world" outlook, rather than a potentially score-keeping, "I deserve to receive" mantra.
My Favorite teacher says, "Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you.  But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty." (Matthew 23:11-12)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stick to Your Work!

Stick to Your Work

In this day and age with millions of distractions at our fingertips, we all experience an increasing need to focus on the most important details of life--or we watch our time slip away as we miss or fritter away precious opportunities. Living in regret, angers, fears, or lack of determination slows us on our Destiny Journey.
I stumbled across an anonymous quote and amended it for today:
Stick with your work. Do not flinch because the lion roars, do not stop to stone the devil's dogs, or to chase darting rabbits down their trails. Do Your Stuff! Let liars lie, let sectarians quarrel, let critics malign, let enemies accuse, let the devil do his worst--but see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling with joy the purpose for which you were created.
God has not asked you to be admired or esteemed. He has not requested you to defend your character, nor to contradict falsehoods about yourself that people tend to peddle, or to track down every rumor that threatens your reputation.
If you do these things, you will do nothing else; you will end up working for yourself and not for the greater Good. Keep at your life work. Focus! Let your aim be as steady as a star.
You may be assaulted, wronged, insulted, slandered, wounded, rejected, misunderstood, or assigned impure motives. You may be abused by foes, forsaken by friends, and despised by those that love you most. But see to it with steadfast determination, with unfaltering zeal, that you pursue the great mission of your life and the object of your being until at last you can say "I have completed my calling, accomplished my quest."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Real vs Counterfeit

I recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas, a city quite glitzy compared to home in West Texas, where the lights go out and the sidewalks roll up at 8 PM. Our team did one of our dream reach-outs in an 'adult entertainment' arena--we spoke to porn stars and their 'managers' about their dreams and other facets of life. More thoughts on that another time...
What struck me over and over during our trip was the continual contrast between 'real' and 'counterfeit'.
Often, the distinction wasn't immediately apparent, especially in Las Vegas. Lights were always flashy so you couldn't tell night from day. The casinos were always humming, even at early morning. Wild costumes and accentuated, super-sized body parts triggered camera-flash fireworks. Actors, stunningly beautiful wax figures, and celebrity 'look-alikes' stopped traffic, causing double-takes, provoking second glances.
The boundaries between inside and outside became blurry, as sidewalks seemed to snake in and out of hotels, casinos, and shopping malls. At one point I was tired because we were walking a lot. As we stepped outside, I looked up and saw the most beautiful, cloud-filled sky, with sunset just starting. Upon closer scrutiny, though, I realized it was a cleverly painted ceiling in a huge mall. I started asking myself, 'What day is it? What time is it, really? Is this a dream?"
The next day, we stepped outside and I saw a sunset so stunning, it took my breath away. I asked my friend Amy, "Is THAT sunset real?" I felt the blast of fresh, cold air, and I knew we were truly outside and that I was seeing the original sky.
The parts of Las Vegas that we experienced were disorienting--most of it by deliberate design. Continual sensory overload can cause a lost sense of time, focus, and one's spent money. An incessant barrage of PHONY blurs the mind so that people may more easily step outside their normal routines and 'live large' during their stay. Because the message rings everywhere, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".
You don't have to go to Vegas to experience this phenomenon. You can park yourself in front of TV news for a couple of hours and come to believe there is nothing but violence and deceit in this world. You can spend a day in a doctor's office and conclude that everyone is sick, or you can hang out with religious legalistic people and decide that God is mean and judgmental. 
If we don't know WHO we are and what our purpose in life is, our environment can distract or derail us from daily contentment that comes from living our destiny.
Do you know your purpose in life? How do you determine truth vs cheap knockoff? What keeps you grounded? Is there anything you spend time focusing on that may not be 'real' and has potential to keep you from moving forward in a healthy way?
Periodic escape and broadening our horizons hold great value to stretch us and enrich our lives. But ultimately, no matter where we go, there we are.
So, who ARE you, really?