Monday, December 27, 2010

Characteristics of a Trustworthy Dream Interpreter

Before we purchase a product or use someone's services, we normally check for quality assurance to avoid costly mistakes and to make sure we invest wisely. We can search Google for feedback, consult experienced friends, ask for references, or contact the Better Business Bureau. We act with deliberate faith and power when we know what we are getting ourselves into.
This principle is true if you are a dreamer searching for help in understanding your dreams. Dream interpreters are much like any spiritual advisor, counselor, or professional--they listen to you and speak their 'feedback' into your mind and spirit. In this day and age, it is wise to discern the intentions and abilities of such a person before you give them any authoritative voice in your life.
Questions to ask a prospective dream interpreter:
  • Where and how were you trained? Answers vary vastly--anywhere from "I went to dream school for 10 years and have interpreted thousands of dreams under supervision," to "I took a psychology class in college," to "I read a book," to "I have interpreted two of my friends' dreams and know what I'm doing."
  • What dream interpretation method do you use? There are roughly four major, most popular approaches in dream interpretation, vastly different in perspective--Freudian, Jungian, Ancient Hebraic, and Artificial Intelligence. Each is unique regarding the perceived Source of dreams. As you interview your interpreter, you will be able to quickly clue into which one he or she uses. More about these dream interpretation approaches on my website.
  • What is your spiritual belief system? This question aligns closely with the methods of dream interpretation. Is the prospective interpreter more psychologically or intellectually-oriented, more attuned toward earth-based spirituality, or a follower of Jesus? Their belief system determines the source of their interpretative information.
  • Are you confidential (trustworthy) and how can I know I am safe with you?When you share a dream with an interpreter, you are sharing a sacred, intimate piece of your life. You want to make sure your interpreter will listen to you and not turn around and post your dream on their website or talk to anyone about what insight they have gleaned from you.
  • What kind of 'warranty work' do you offer? Does the interpreter warmly invite you to ask questions or give feedback? Do they take time to answer your emails or explain what you don't understand? And what if over time, it becomes apparent they might have been mistaken...will they be willing to process the situation with you? Are they teachable and willing to learn along with you? Beware of someone who isn't willing to answer your questions or maintain some type of accountability or honesty with you. Discern if they are truly caring...for the best about YOU.
Personally, I believe that excellent dream interpreters exhibit integrity in every area of their life. They will also interpret dream-truths with a high level of skill, experience, and encouragement, with kind, not critical words, treating the dreamer with honor--because both dreamers and interpreters enter into holy ground when delving into dreams. Good interpreters take time to hear the dream, process it, pray through it, give it their very best attention--so that the dreamer can receive the dream message to the fullest degree.
A dream rightly interpreted can radically change our life by releasing spiritual understanding of our current circumstances, answers to dilemmas we may be experiencing, and directions to step more fully into our life's destiny or calling.
Pay attention to your dreams! And choose your "Voices" wisely.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Confronting Suicidal Harassment

Confronting Suicidal Harassment

The Holiday season typically lights up the world with pretty colors, decorations, stories and songs, coaxing everyone to jingle their happy way through giving gifts, parties, and "Ho-ho-ho's".  Most folks eagerly anticipate Christmastime as an extended season of celebration and memory-making with family and friends.  
But what if you are dealing with loss of relationship, painful memories, financial disaster, extreme grief, sadness, or loneliness?    The pervasive atmosphere of 'cheer' can make that hole in the heart seem even deeper, darker, and emptier.  
In recent days, several of my friends have been brutally honest with me regarding suicidal thoughts they are entertaining or even dreaming about on a daily basis. Life is hard, old memories haunt, loss is great, pain overwhelms, and they feel powerless to fight the rising tide of hopelessness.  
I have been there in years past--dreading the holidays, surviving each day on edge, feeling overwhelming discouragement, longing to wake up on January 2, to find the holiday stuff all over and done with, but thankfully, I have pressed through to experience a more joyful outlook. 
Survival tips abound, through counseling, talking with a friend (hopefully one that is in a positive place), or via books or articles on the web.  This isn't your typical psychological self-help blog, though those are helpful. Here are a few additional, less-commonly-voiced spiritual insights regarding the suicidal thoughts that so many people often experience:
  • Warfare: We are at odds with a very real enemy, one who desires to cut our destiny short. The aim of his 'ministry' is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He can plant destructive thoughts. If we can discern how we are in the middle of a battle for our identity and worth, we can choose to align ourselves with a strong team and a Father that loves us and can help us fight. Unawareness of evil spiritual attacks leaves us vulnerable.  
  • Destiny: If we are under attack, perhaps that means we are making a difference and we have a purpose and meaningful assignments to accomplish--and we are a threat to the enemy of our souls. Otherwise, why would he want to take us out?  
  • Grief:  Everyone experiences difficulties, tragedies, sickness, pain, death of loved ones. No one is exempt. Know the stages of grief and realize that if you've experienced any kind loss this year, you may be in a 'normal' stage of grief...shock, disbelief, anger, depression, all of that. The most responsible thing you can do is to admit it, actively continue grieving, and know that you are not alone, and that there is nothing wrong with you if you feel these things.
  • Sensitivity: If you are intuitively perceptive, you sense what pervades the spiritual atmosphere around you. Your suicidal thoughts may not even be your own, but something you are picking up from someone around you! Perhaps you are being shown what someone close to you is wrestling with--so you can give an encouraging word to help them walk through it.
  • Hope:  Everyone needs Hope Alive. Find something hopeful and cling to it. Focus on whatever you can find that is positive. Tell someone what you are experiencing and ask for help. Ask what they see in you that is good, and try to affirm and celebrate--express gratitude for the Good Stuff.  
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Often things seem darkest just before the dawn of breakthrough. Creator fashioned you with purpose and a uniqueness that no one else can contribute to the universe but you.  A new year lies ahead--can't wait to see you in the light of a new year, clothed with the new strength and depth because of your perseverance and victory.  

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dream Interpretation Process: Interpret BEFORE You Apply the Dream

Are you a revelatory-gifted person?  If you dream a lot or have delved deeper into your intuitive or prophetic abilities (seeing, sensing, hearing, knowing information beyond the natural and tangible world), you realize that there is an art and growth process in learning what to do with what you ‘see’.

Generally speaking, the processing goes like this, in this order:  

  • Revelation—the information that you receive from God (or other sources) that gives insight into a person or a situation.  It can come in the form of a vision or picture in your mind, a dream, something you hear with your ears, something you ‘know’ in your heart, a well-timed verse or song, a series of events that seem unusual—the list goes on.  
  • Interpretation—deciphering what the revelation information means.  If symbols are involved, what do they signify?  How do they all fit together?  What is the message? 
  • Application—taking the information and its interpretation and knowing what to do with it.  Who is it for?  You?  Someone else? What does it mean for them?  Where in their life could this make a difference?  Do you tell them?  If so, how do you give the message? What is the right timing?
You receive the revelation as a gift. Interpreting and applying both require time, study, discipline, prayer, and skill. And love and kindness!  Folks all too often take the metaphoric knowledge and run with it, skipping the effort of interpreting first—or to seeking wisdom in the application.  
Example:  You dream that your friend Anna is driving up a steep hill that is icy and slips into the next lane and gets hit head-on by an oncoming car and gets killed.  In haste and fear, you call Anna before she heads out to work, to inform her that she might get killed in a car wreck today. And she is afraid to go to work because of your dream and the way you handled it.   
But if you take time out to ponder and discern the symbols, you might instead realize that Anna (or even someone else she may represent) is on a ‘slippery slope’ at work or in one of her other activities, and needs your prayers so that she doesn’t lose control, venture off her assigned turf, and get ‘taken out’ by someone’s territorial temper.   
And, if you are to speak to her about it at all, you can find a way to warn her with encouragement instead of a tone of fear or threat. If you don’t understand the dream or the purpose of it, you risk blurting out nonsense that only confuses instead of bringing clarity.   
It is natural to want to skip the interpretation process and apply dreams literally--this is why it is more difficult to interpret our own dreams (or for folks close to us)—we know more life-circumstance-stuff and we immediately go to figuring out what revelation means, based on what is happening with us, instead of what Spirit is showing us.  
But taking time to interpret first, before applying is a MUST. Hearing Spirit about what the revelation means and why it is given is the plumb line of the process--the key ingredient to using our prophetic gift effectively. Thus, the Giver of the revelation becomes the focal point of our understanding, instead of allowing our circumstances to skew the meaning of the revelation. What is God's heart about the matter? 
So, if I dreamed that my 50-year-old friend gets pregnant and has a baby, should I hurry up and call her to tell her to start registering for baby clothes….??

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spiritual Autoresponders

Once in a while we get a chance to escape our daily routine and take a vacation. If we plan to truly unplug, in order to be responsible, we program our email or voicemail with an autoresponder. So, when people attempt to contact us, they receive an immediate response telling them we do not plan to respond to their communication—anytime soon.
Or when someone signs up on a new website, they receive an automatic ‘welcome’ message with instructions or sales pitch—to convey that ‘personal touch’. 
When you receive an automated response, don’t you feel special?
Once, I tried to leave an encouraging comment on a friend's blog.  It failed.  I got an automatic email that called me a 'spambot' and said my comment was 'illegal'. So much for good intentions.
We live in a time of computerized voicemail systems, programmed customer service mazes, self-help online troubleshooting—all designed to herd us toward a solution with as little personal connection as possible.  I’m not bashing this wonderful technology…even though it can be infuriating at times, like when my needs don’t fit the pre-determined scripts. I admit I usually feel relief when a real voice of a real person answers and offers help.
Taking the idea of autoresponders to a more personal or spiritual level, I think we would benefit by an occasional ‘system wipe and restore” to re-examine how we interact with folks: 
o     If we want someone to help us, can we do a better job in honoring them, treating them as though their time is valuable, and asking for assistance nicely and humbly . . . instead of assuming they are like a vending machine where you push a button and expect immediate ‘output’? 
o     Can we learn to listen fully first to someone’s situation, to hear their heart, before we launch into ‘fix-it-advice’ mode? 
o     Do we allow ourselves to get in a rut in our relationships, where we may get lazy and fail to laugh, get creative, affirm, encourage, or say, 'thank you'?  When is the last time you responded differently to a friend and surprised their socks off?
o     When ugly, unwarranted, vicious words attack, are we skilled and alert enough to put up our ‘shields’ and let those curses deflect back to the attacker without allowing our peace to get even slightly disrupted--sort of like an auto-responding anti-magnetic force field?
o     When we ask for God’s help, are we willing to take time and effort to process—and wait—to see the bigger picture and to work on a deeper relationship as we go?  God is not a vending machine, either, and I don’t think he feels the pressure to always produce solutions for us--right NOW.
Thank you for reading today’s Destiny Dreamz blog.  For more information regarding dream interpretation or other spiritual topics, please go to or contact usfor further questions, but you may have to wait 5 – 7 business days for us to get back to you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pioneer Power

Pioneer Power

A funny thing often happens on the way to follow your life’s calling. You discover what you love to do, what you are gifted at, and once you fully commit to ‘go for it’--you invest heavily of all of your resources to get educated and forge forward. The way is difficult, but glorious--as the horizon comes into view! You turn to celebrate with your friends, only to find that no one has followed you.
Such seems to be the experience of the pioneer. Uncharted wilderness beckons you to venture out, traveling light, plowing and breaking rocky ground—with your FACE. You question and analyze your mission, your approach, even your own sanity, because nothing seems to go smoothly. No one can define success or failure, because the guidebook hasn’t been written yet. You get to brave all sorts of dangers, pitfalls, unknown elements, and dark places, because most folks are too fearful or uninterested to accompany you.
It takes supernatural strength to conquer new territory AND endure the disparaging attacks of the ‘normal’ status quo opinions ‘back home’.
People describe you as ‘weird’ or ‘misguided’ because they do not understand the pull on your spirit, the dreams that compel you, the Voice that no one else hears that encourages, “You can do this—you’re making an eternal difference for multitudes by your willingness and faith to stand alone as a trailblazer.” In the process, you come to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is God that leads and empowers you in the challenge.
Because of Destiny’s Direction, you go where no man has gone before, wielding revolutionary approaches, hoping to show others that ‘it’ can be done, even if you are not quite sure yourself how it will eventually work out. After you do the groundbreaking, you can summon the others to tell them what lies ahead—to assure them that the way is ‘viable’.
Keep up the good work! Your loving labor and extravagant cost is not wasted. If you’ve been called, you will also be equipped.
It takes time for anything innovative to get established and become standardized. Followers will catch on, and then go faster and farther than you, but only because you’ve prepared the way and paved the road for them to travel on.
In good character, you can delight in their progress and cheer them on as they push past you to re-work and rebuild your efforts into something even better.
But you may not ever realize the full results—because you’re a pioneer at heart, and you are probably already dreaming about...your NEXT assignment.

"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out."  Romans 12:2

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"This Is Your Stuff"

“This Is Your Stuff”

We get wrapped up in our own little world much of the time, concentrating on essential daily details like work, emails, paying bills, posting on Facebook, trying to cover all the bases of our responsibilities. 
Or, what we THINK are our responsibilities. 
My ever-growing personal ‘to do’ list usually seems impossibly long—I categorize my tasks into areas such as work, home, errands, later, or NOW. I think that if I write my jobs down, then I can clear my mind and focus better.  Sometimes that works. Other times, I get stuck in my never-ending List and have difficulty getting free. I can easily work myself into Organization Paralyzation. 
But all too often, I think we forget to lift our eyes up a little higher than our home plate to visualize the bigger picture of life—and how we fit in—our Destiny Direction. Can we get so bogged down in the details that we forget to recalibrate or realign every now and then, to make sure we are heading in the right direction? 
Several weeks ago upon returning from our annual Burning Man ministry trip, I spent the first day home unpacking and doing laundry—dealing with the overwhelming ‘dig out’ we all experience after long, hard trips. 
The next day I planned to accomplish a bunch of stacked-up errands. First place I stopped, I looked the gal at the counter in the eye and asked her, “How’s your day going?”  She broke down and told me, “I’m having terrible nightmares that frighten me and I haven’t been sleeping, and there is no one to help me understand what is happening.” 
Imagine that! Since I’m a dream interpreter who helps people deal with this subject all the time, I offered to listen and help. It amazes me that strangers will open up and confide in me like they do, especially regarding their dreams. An hour later, we have addressed some of her fears, and I’m on my way to my next errand.
Next place I go, I meet eyes with a friend in her shop and ask how she is doing--something similar happens. More dreams to walk through regarding difficulties in her workplace. Lots of listening, wiping tears, encouragement, and hugs. 
I stop in to get my hair cut, and my hairdresser is sad and upset, feeling the weight and pain of her unemployed son who has a new baby and a mortgage. More listening and attempts to affirm--and my hair looks terrific. 
Five hours since I left home, with quite a few stops to make, I’m beginning to mutter to myself about my long list of things yet to accomplish. 
I stop in to get my car washed.  The 67-year-old cashier lady looks at me and says, “Your hair is just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”  I thank her, peer into her sweet face, and ask her how she’s doing, and she bursts into tears. She says, “I just got my hair back from chemo, and I feel so un-pretty.”  I listen to her cancer story, her anxieties, take her hands and offer to pray for her.  She is very grateful and I feel humbled and honored.
As I’m driving home, feeling a little weary from these encounters, I spoke to Spirit, “I had so many interruptions today and needed to get my stuff done. What’s up?”  
Spirit’s immediate answer:  “This is your stuff.” 
Oh yeah . . .
We each possess far more potential than we realize—may we watch diligently with a willingness to step into higher opportunities to touch and change the world—one ‘errand’ at a time.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Words—Are They Harming or Healing?

Our Words—Are They Harming or Healing?

I’ve been disconcerted this week at how quickly and easily folks seem to judge and criticize other people, then publicize their toxic views in any number of ways—through the news, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, social grapevines, and outright bullying. Or even just in traffic!
Perhaps in a world of instant technology, folks have forgotten about thinking the best of people and processing their reactions before status posting, firing off rash emails, or maligning someone’s character through damaging gossip. 
Our words carry power.  We can use them to bless or to curse.  When we denounce someone, we drag people down with us into our negative spiral.  Folks can feel our disparagement even by what we mutter behind their backs. In the last few days, I’ve wiped the tears of several friends who have experienced harsh criticism, and I have also been stung by people’s unkind words. 
I know I am not perfect, and I also know most of the verbal attacks are not about me—or you--but rather an indication of folks who are at their tipping point themselves and need to lash out. Most people do it without thinking. 
But, we need to think before we speak!
Some people are not ‘happy’ unless they are miserable.  Spewing their ills only serves to spread their bitterness.  Mouths speak from the overflow of what is in the heart.
With the difficulties in our world today, why would we think it is ok to censure anyone? Why not stop before we say something that hurts and check the negative words at the door and find something positive to say instead?  Seems all of humanity needs extra grace, kindness, and blessing about now.  
Life is hard for a lot of folks. You never know who is going through WHAT—we can’t assume. Finances are tight or exhausted.  People’s precious businesses are going under. Loved ones are hurting. Stress affects us all, and sometimes health issues arise, which costs more concern and money. Many of my deeply spiritual friends who are normally peace-seekers are experiencing overwhelming anxiety.  Let's help lighten each others' burdens.
An encouraging word goes a long way toward helping a person get through a difficult day.  It is never wrong to speak to each other with honor and respect. We get double blessed when we search to find a gem within someone and praise it.
“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” –Proverbs 12:18

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Choose Your Battles

Choose Your Battles

I’ve been intrigued by the story in the news headlines about Ariana Iacono, the 14-year-old student in North Carolina, who is battling her school officials (now with the aid of the ACLU) over her nose stud.  Wearing the stud defies school dress codes, yet she claims that removing it violates her religion, the Church of Body Modification.  She has been suspended most of this school year because of her refusal to remove the nose stud—and a court battle ensues. 
Her mother, also a member of the C of BM, claims “The school has wrongfully forced her (Ariana) to choose between her education and our family's religion."  Her lawyer says, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste. They were wasting (Ariana’s), one day, three days, five days at a time."
I went to the website for the Church of Body Modification to see if it is the real deal.  Apparently so--the poor girl is trapped between school codes and religious dictates. 
I’m not against body modification.  Nor am I trying to judge Ariana and her family.  But I squirm at the international attention they are garnering and pray that they are sure they know what they are doing. 
I understand the indignant feelings that can come when someone lays down rules that we don’t agree with. 
I know that rulemakers sometimes don’t take everything into consideration when they formulate the plan.  Rules can seem unfair. I never want to see anyone harshly oppressed.  
Our culture is ever changing, and often standards can seem to become obsolete.  (When I was in college, girls were not allowed to wear shorts anywhere on our campus.  Not even to run outside in 100 degree Texas heat--that felt oppressive!)
Change often happens whenever someone is brave or passionate enough to challenge the powers that be.  A momentum builds because someone feels squashed by the rules and either requests for or tries to force amendment. 
But I think we also have to ask ourselves before we put our foot down, ‘At what cost?” 
We learn in life—especially in parenting--that often, we have to let some issues slide—to carefully pick the battles--so that we can be free and clear to address the critical BIG stuff. Discerning this can be tricky.  Feelings can get in the way. We’ve got to ask ourselves what is the long-term strategy here?  And, are we possibly setting a dangerous pattern for the course of our lives?  
Wisdom says to also consider long-term repercussions—possibly developing a reputation seen by future teachers or employers as someone who is rebellious against authority, threatens a ‘sue them’ attitude, causes distracting drama scenes, or blames others, refusing to take responsibility for our own actions.
The question I ultimately ask myself is, “Is this particular fray the right one for me to engage?” 
I want to look back with pride for standing my ground and giving my best—whether I actually won or lost--to know I did the RIGHT thing.  May we each become 'famous' not for winning every skirmish, but for prevailing faithfully in good character, integrity, wisdom, and respecting folks around us.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who's Got Your Back? Freedom Lounge Team at Burning Man

Who’s Got Your Back? Freedom Lounge Team at Burning Man

How often do you get to work with folks that you know you instantly ‘belong’ with—a group that is so strikingly ‘comfortable’ you feel you can call them ‘family’?
Our Freedom Lounge team atthis year’s Burning Man was just such a group of people for me. We spent over a week together, rubbing elbows in close quarters, sleeping in tents, cooking, eating, and serving together in a ‘testy’ environment of dust, heat, 24/7 blaring music.  
We are from all over the USA—California, Utah, Washington, North Dakota, Minnesota, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Most of us didn’t know each other as we planned throughout the year. 
With a team of ‘strangers’ coming together, you organize, communicate, pray, and trust for the best for that week of close togetherness. I mean, how many people want to schedule a trip with people you don’t even know? 
Our team was divinely orchestrated. From the very beginning of everyone’s arrival for the week, everyone delightedly and quickly gelled, getting to know each other, each finding their own niche as a team player bringing together individual ‘specialties’:
--A couple of folks brought their RV’s and opened their doors, fully sharing with everyone else despite the dirt factor. They treated each other with warm shampoos (an absolute luxury in a place with no running water), a nice spot to sit out of the rain, hot tea and coffee in the morning for everyone. My husband and I were tent sleepers, and one gal actually took a thick mattress from her RV and slipped it under my sleeping bag, then ‘made my bed’ for me so I could sleep like a princess. One gal handpicked huckleberries, made a cobbler, and brought it to share with everyone. Another friend quietly paid for everyone’s meals before and after Burning Man.
--Everyone pitched in. No one had to say, “Come help.” Camp set up and tear down, meal preparation and cleanup, and everything in between—demonstrated everyone’s willing cooperation.
--Everyone’s unique abilities quickly fired up. One guy is a magician and has the gift of drawing a crowd…and then bringing folks into our circle. Several teammates give healing momma or daddy hugs that bring tears. Others have the ability to see into hearts, to speak truth to what hurts.  One gal even sings that truth—in perfect pitch—and her songs even rhyme! Creativity, seer gifts, dance, song, art, music, and spiritual depth to boot. 
We laughed a lot. A sense of humor makes everything go smoother. Some people really have the knack to help others lighten up. And sometimes things get so tense where a good belly laugh is the instant remedy.  
A mature team that covers each other with honor and a watchfulness and an anticipation of each others’ needs--is a priceless, rare treat these days. 
Also, folks back home paved the way by continually supporting us with their sacrificial offering of funds, time, and many, many prayers. They were there, too, with us on the playa. 
A young man said 'he was pulled' into our camp early on in the week and he kept coming back to hang out and eat with us. We asked him later what he thought of our group. He said he ‘liked our energy', and that that we were a bunch of unselfish people. He had noticed our love for each other and the way we pulled together as a team, in order to make a difference, unlike many of the other camps out there. He felt safe and accepted in our midst. 
I returned home from our team experience at Burning Man feeling stretched and sharpened in my own abilities, lovingly in awe of the special folks I got to serve with, and so very grateful for the common bond of Spirit we share that brings peace and unity in such a tangible way. 

Read more about what we do at Burning Man...

Dream Interpretation ABC's

Dream Interpretation ABC’s

How to develop your ability to interpret your dreams . . . in alphabetical random order:
Always pray. Every dream offers opportunity to dialogue with Creator. Ask for more dreams and for their interpretations.
Be open to the possibilities of receiving world-changing insight in your dream life.
Choose peace. When we shut the chaos of the world out, we are more apt to gain spiritual understanding.
Discern the purpose for every dream. Listen to Spirit for why the dream is given, in order to more fully understand your dream messages.
Expect supernatural revelation to light up your life as you learn to interpret your dreams. Trust that God wants to speak . . . to you!
Find as many dream interpreter friends as possible so that you can help each other. Preferably some with experience, maturity and training 
Gather vital tools and resources to learn about dreams and symbols--dictionaries, reliable internet dream websites, books, classes to enroll in, mentoring opportunities.
Hone your skills by practicing metaphoric thinking as much as possible. Constantly ask yourself, “If this were a dream, what would it mean?”
Interpret first. THEN try to apply the dream to your life--after you have interpreted it.
Journal your dreams (write dates and titles) so that you remember them. Otherwise, they may vanish like a fog before you discover their meaning.
Keep the process simple. Most people try to make their dreams too complicated. Identify the 5-7 most important symbols to find the main gist of your dreams.
Learn the basics of dream interpretation. Take a class, read a book, practice on your own dreams. Get help when you need clarity.
Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted.
Never give up! Dream interpretation stretches your brain—it is a growth process. It is not about getting answers as much as it is about developing relationship with the Dream-Giver.
Offer your dream time for God's purposes.
Practice using both sides of your brain—analytic and organizational as well as creative and intuitive. It makes dream interpretation easier. Balanced, whole brain use is optimal.
Quiet your bedtime routine. Shut out as much noise and clutter as possible as you end your day. Pay attention as you drift off to sleep and wake up…those ‘twilight’ times are important portals of revelation time.
Respond quickly to your dreams when it is clear that you need to take action.
Study! Do your research of symbols, scriptures, basic dream interpretation principles, common dream themes.
Think outside the box…Spirit speaks to each person uniquely, artfully, and personally.
Use your imagination…to ‘walk’ through the dream, ‘seeing’ what is there, listening for interpretation. God gave you that imagination…you are supposed to utilize it.
Value your dream messages. The more you desire to understand your dreams, the more you will gain wisdom for your life.
Wait patiently. Dream meanings often come clear as we search, meditate, and marinate in Spirit’s presence. Often the answer comes when we least expect it.
X out unnecessary noise, activity, or distractions from your life that distort or disturb your rest or your spirit.
Yield to spiritual discernment. Test what you hear or sense in your dream time or when listening to friends. Make wise belief choices.
ZZZzzzz your way into new levels of spiritual joy and power as you rest best, sleep deep, esteem dreams, invite insight, accrue anew, scope hope, fly high, position mission, and Divine align.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Desert Adventures At Burning Man 2010

Desert Adventures at Burning Man 2010

My husband and I recently returned from a mysterious adventure . . . to Burning Man, a desert arts festival in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada.  Words cannot completely describe the Burning Man experience. This big, dirty, week-long party provides an atmosphere where virtually anything goes, where people can do what they want, sporting fictitious names, costumes, or no clothing at all. 
Organizers build a city—population 51,000--and at the end, they burn ‘The Man’ and their fabulous art.  Everyone celebrates and then goes back home to real life.  Radical self-reliance and ‘leave no trace’ values require all participants to haul everything in that they need for a week, live simply and yet with colorful flair, and then pack everything back out. 
The best way to describe it is to imagine yourself, for real, in the bar scenes in the Star Wars movies…with the funky music, mutant vehicles, and foreign-looking creatures.  It’s intense, extreme, noisy (all night long), busy, and dusty--it’s another world.  Creative energy flows off the charts. 
I’ve been to Burning Man four times now.  I’m hooked, but maybe not for ‘normal’ reasons. 
Every year, we take a team out to the ‘playa’ to serve participants, or ‘burners’ in any way we can.  We take extra food and water for those who are hungry or thirsty.  We venture out of our ‘Freedom Lounge’ theme camp and get to know our neighbors. We set up a big, shaded tent and welcome folks to step inside to experience things like a ‘spiritual cleansing’, ‘original root recovery’ (getting back on the path of meaning for their life), a special spiritual encounter, or an interpretation of their dreams. 
Many burners are spiritually hungry, looking for purpose and True Love. Burning Man has a side to it that I would call ‘dark’—many camps and activities center around getting high or getting laid. Our team aims to provide a safe haven, help, and hope for folks who may be looking for something ‘beyond’. 
We get to connect with the most precious people on the planet, folks we would otherwise probably never cross paths with.  Our hopes are to give encouragement or touch wounds tenderly and with the intent of bringing physical or spiritual healing.  The amount of burner tears and hugs could tell us that perhaps we are making a difference, reminding us that we are so often strategically placed in someone’s path at just the right time.  But that is true no matter where we are in life—if only we would be more alert and deliberate. 
The catchphrase of the week, “Leave No Trace” does in no way apply to the meaningful relationships that begin at Burning Man.  I am forever changed by the honor of encountering so many people on sacred ground—the Spirit meeting together with our hearts. 
More to come . . .

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Root For Your Rival

Root For Your Rival

How do you respond to opposition—from the people in your life? Those folk that, no matter how hard you try to please or choose peace with, seemingly cannot rest until you are annihilated, obliterated, and eliminated in reputation or status—in ‘comparison’ to them. They ‘keep score’ on your best moves. You can feel their sizing up and tension, and you know that when they get the chance, they are likely to pull the rug out from you in hopes that you will fall flat. 
There are indeed spiritual forces behind people’s actions to contend with, which are necessary to discern, but how is the best way to respond to these people?
They are often friends or co-workers that are insecure and struggle with envy—of you. They are usually insecure and jealous of what you have. They don’t realize the precious extent of their own unique abilities--they want YOUR creativity, wisdom, gifting, or whatever. And since they can’t have it or control it, they don’t want you to succeed or enjoy it, either. 
When you experience breakthrough or victory, outwardly they may cheer you on, because it is the nice thing to do, but behind your back, you can often catch them trying to one-up you, discrediting you, or employing subtle set-ups to trap you and keep you from moving forward. 
As an intuitively sensitive person, I pick up on the jealousy easily. I do not personally struggle with it. Over the years, I have kicked myself for ‘feeling jealous’ about somebody, only to realize that it wasn’t my jealousy—it was simply a nasty feeling ‘in my radar’ coming from a particular person toward me.
Some things to keep in mind: 
1.    It’s not about you. Though someone’s undermining of you certainly affects you, ultimately it is their own issue to deal with. 
2.    When you experience someone’s adversarial approach, that usually means you have great things going on in your life. Your spirit and character is shining out bright. This is good, but it means there may also be warfare because some people are unhappy and are looking for someone to blame. 
3.    Get smart--guard your heart.  Love the people, but do not ignore any warning signs about them, therefore confiding or sharing your deep treasures with them…this can put you at further risk. These folks may try to draw you into their confidence, only to use your information against you some day.
4.    Root for your rivals!  Bless them and do not curse them. Proactively compliment them and publicly point out their strengths. Pray for them—not for God to deal with their faults, but ask for prosperity for them. Your supportive intent will gather divine momentum and change the atmosphere simply by your exceptional response. 
5.    Of course blessing them requires some heart work within—in order to speak positively about them you will probably have to forgive them and release your own fears, angers, and uncertainties. 
6.    Trust in God to overcome the problem.  He sees it, knows it, and can deal with the situation better than you can. (If you are one who struggles with envy of others, recognize the toxicity that it causes within you and toward your friends, and release it!  Celebrate your own strengths, and work to develop them.  There is power in being uniquely fashioned and living your destiny to the full, like no one else can possibly do.  Exhilarating freedom is found when we stop comparing ourselves to others).  
7.    Continue to shine forth brightly with all of your strength.  Don’t allow someone else’s oppression to hold you back in any way.  A wise woman once told me, “The best revenge is living well”.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural and Spiritual Revelation Matters

Natural and Spiritual Revelation Matters

I wonder how prevalent insomnia is? Most people I know experience a sleepless night here or there, but for some, it is a chronic distressing dilemma. Sometimes I think our sleeplessness may stem from our need for help and God may have a solution.  Nighttime stillness may serve as an invitation to focus and listen, since we often don't pay enough attention during the day.   
Earlier this summer I couldn’t sleep around 3 AM, so I got out of bed and let the dogs out into the backyard. Everything was extremely quiet except for a faint humming sound. I glanced up into the doorway between the inside and outside doors, and there was a massive wasp nest, covered with buzzing critters, just inches from my face!
I quickly shut the door so they couldn’t fly into the house, and I felt amazed to realize that they had been building for weeks in a high-traffic area, and how in the world had we not noticed their busy construction site? 
And, I'm thinking, as usual, 'If this were a dream, what would it mean?"  
I eventually went back to sleep and dreamed I discovered the wasp nest and told my husband, and that while we agreed about the degree of danger, we differed on the best way to remove it.  While we fussed with each other, the nest continued to grow very fast.  My pounding heart woke me up. 
Sigh….I got up again to pray about my dream and realized there was an area in our marriage that we had just been discussing--a pesky little issue—that we had semi-addressed but didn't agree on the approach of actually dealing with it.
Most problems in relationships occur when someone is ‘bugged’, matters are not confronted, and unhealthy patterns accumulate until someone gets stung and there is real pain.
I realized with a little shock that I needed to be more alert and vigilant in my ‘house-cleaning’ in all areas of life, to not allow anything negative to take the opportunity to roost or take root.
So, that day, my husband and I joined forces with a renewed vigor to eradicate all potential stingers, ticks, weevils, worms, borers, maggots, moths--anything bent toward destruction of health and peace.
And then, grateful for adventures and revelation during the night, I took a nap and slept bug-free.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Truth or Fiction: You ARE What you Wear?

Truth or Fiction: You ARE What you Wear?

Yesterday my sunglasses broke, and in preparing for a trip to a bright desert, a gal has to have good quality shades, so I headed out to my favorite designer fashion store—Walmart.  I picked out a few possibilities, only to discover there was no mirror in the sunglasses aisle! 
For a moment I grappled with my conflicting thoughts.  What were the Walmart people thinking?  That no one wants to check out how they look before they make a sunglass purchase?  Or, am I vain because I want to make sure I look GOOD before venturing outside in the sunlight?  Am I just supposed to pick one and go with it, hoping for the best in function as well as appearance?
The dilemma reminded me of a mini-crisis I faced many years ago.  I had spent several years in a healing process, trying to recover from severe trauma that had kept me relatively incapacitated and extremely fearful.  Counseling, confronting, processing, forgiving, releasing, and tears brought massive change into my life. 
I had healed extensively but it wasn’t until I experienced a specific breakthrough that my identity was transformed from Victim into Victor.  I began to come alive for the first time in my life.  Not just coping but really living. 
At that time, it was almost winter, and I needed a new coat. I didn’t have any other coats in my closet and money was tight, (I could choose only one), so went to Burlington Coat Factory and began to peruse the racks of coats.  So many styles to choose from!  But at that point in my life, I didn’t know WHO I was:  Was I black leather, sexy sleek?  Pink fluffy, flashy, and cute?  Sporty and active?  Boring brown corduroy to blend in?
In dreams, clothing represents an outward appearance of the qualities or equipping within. Coats can portray special abilities or personality (think of Joseph’s coat of many colors).
I had an internal meltdown right there in the store, overwhelmed with the choices, not so much regarding coats, but in identity—how I perceive myself and present myself to the world.  I wanted to reflect the ‘real me’.  But who was that?
After careful deliberation, I finally decided on a denim coat with soft, fluffy flannel inside--because it was COMFORTABLE.  
Most of us have closets full of coats and clothing fit for any occasion. What is your favorite to wear out in public?  What does that outfit reveal about you? And, what would you LIKE to ‘sport’ if you knew you could get away with it? What do you have inside of you that the world needs to enjoy?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sew What?

Try this sometime: pick a massive creative project and ask a friend to help you with it.  Last weekend my friend and I ‘built a quilt’.  We let our funky imaginations take a vacation from daily demands to mingle and design something colorful and unique, just for the fun of it.

Our masterpiece is not quite finished, but we made great progress. As we assembled the quilt, our friendship deepened as we fashioned it with lots of words, spiritual pondering, laughs, tears, good food, and even a little wine. 

Of course I got to thinking metaphorically about quilting and sewing--  “If this were a dream, what would it mean?”

Some thoughts: 

         --Life is like a quilt. Experiences and friends, and choices are the pieces that give us personality—they make up the ‘fabric’ of who we are.  

          --Sewing is a process of taking those pieces—light and dark, positive and negative, embracing them all, and fitting them together for the best overall effect. Contrasting light and dark colors make the finished product more striking and beautiful. 

         --Sometimes you have to rip out a seam for a ‘do-over’.  The more often you have to do this, the more careful you become—you learn to discern before you bond parts together.

         --You have to dream a bit in order to discover the ‘big picture.” You can get easily lost in the million little pieces if you do not keep the larger perspective in mind. 

         --Complicated things in life are way more get easier and more enjoyable if you get help and don’t go it alone.

         --Word play:  ‘Sowing’ thoughts, pieces of your heart, ideas, and memories—parts of yourself--and then receiving from others fosters unity and sweetness in relationship.  

         --A few bucks on fabric and a couple of days cutting and sewing and talking:  Amazing results!


Whether you are a builder, quilter, writer, mother, teacher—you are responsible for piecing parts of life together for yourself and for others.  What comes to your mind to add to this ‘quilt of thoughts’? 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Do You Want the Good News or the Bad News?

Do You Want the Good News or the Bad News?

My hairdresser and I got the giggles recently. I spent a couple of hours in her salon, getting some blonde ‘restored’. We usually catch up and laugh a lot together while she makes me beautiful. Meanwhile, we listened as the local radio station gave news bursts every fifteen minutes, among the lively, jazzy music.
I do scan news headlines every day, but am not a fan of watching or listening to news reports, so the frequent barrage of bizarre events began to weigh me down. 
After an hour or so, our mood was quite somber and my friend asked, ‘Are you ok?”  My sarcastic response was, “No!  The terrorists are out to kill everyone, goopy oil is covering our entire planet, fires, bombs, accidents, and earthquakes are shaking and breaking everything. If we survive any or all of that, we will surely be annihilated by the poor economy, dishonest leaders, health care costs, and the summer heat wave! We are all going to die horrible, tragic deaths!” 
We laughed until we cried.  What else are hairdressers for, besides glamour?
Negativity had reached its ‘critical mass’ (a phrase frequently used these days) to the tipping point, and we needed to release the tension.  No wonder people are overwhelmed and full of rage and hopelessness. Is the whole world really in as bad a mess as our newscasters dispatch? 
To what extent do we allow the ‘choosers of news’ to influence our thoughts and emotions? Why is ‘news’ always defined by strictly negative happenings? 
I know there is bad stuff out there, but there is also some amazingly good stuff too.  What would our outlook be like if our default was to focus on the fabulous, the miraculous, joyful, hopeful things that happen around us every day? 
To make it more personal, what if we were to talk to people about the POSITIVE things we see—in them—rather than judge or criticize? 
I once heard someone say, “Don’t tell people what’s wrong with them.  They already know that. Tell them what they don’t know—the encouraging, sweet things you see in their life.”
Don’t we all need to hear—and share--more good news?